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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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About Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  • Birthday 12/20/1916

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    . Waifus ain't shit but hoes and tricks
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    Snatching waifus. One ho at a time.

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  1. People still fight over Goku vs Superman. But nobody just answers the question, bruh. It depends on WHICH Goku and WHICH Superman. Superman prime can beat any Goku except SSJG. New Superman is about as strong and fast as SSJ3. Compare how fast they can move and how much they can lift.

    Superman prime would smash any Goku except SSJG, then he's fighting somebody who's stronger, faster and a way better fighter. He'd get god bodied in about a minute. Even if he can hit harder or faster, he's fighting somebody who can stomp somebody stronger and faster, because they have better training.

    New Superman would have a hard fight with SSJ3. Boxing vs Kung Fu, Boxing wins most of the time. But Goku can box too. So it would come down to them both boxing each other in the air. Goku is a better fighter, and is waaaaaaay older (hes like 10,000 years old or something bc of king kai and all that heaven stuff), so it would come down to experience and whoever got the first and hardest hit first. It could go either way, but Id give it to the dude with more experience.

    So there it is.

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    2. Egnaro


      Superman prime would smash any Goku except SSJG

      LOL no

      Yeah! ScrewAttack put regular Goku against Superman prime

      Umm no they used a mix of New 52/ Pre-crisis

      so many other things wrong with what you said as well but I will leave it at that.

      At the end of the day Goku is a more interesting/ likeable character but his feats pale in comparison to Supermans.


    3. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Wow, kinda nasty about it. Why the LOL?

      Umm no they used a mix of New 52/ Pre-crisis

      In the description of what he can do leading up to the fight, yeah, then cobbled them all into one. But the Superman in the fight was Superman prime. If they flipped him to 52, or JLU, he wouldnt have been able to keep up with alot of Goku's feats at certain levels.

      Compare what one can lift and how fast he can move and his fighting skill, and then compare to the other to gauge fairly whats going on, bro. JLU can do things SSJ2 can do, 52 is about blow for blow with SSJ3 Goku, prime is about on blow with SSJG. Same power output, same speed. For all Superman's tricks, Goku has tons of techniques and has magic items he's using or wearing. If Goku wouldnt use Kryptonite, then Superman wouldnt use beams to the brain. A evil Goku would use Kryptonie, and then we can use that Elseworld Superman.

      In the end, it shouldve been WHAT Superman vs WHAT Goku. Pair up the two who are most equal and see what would happen. And Im sorry, Egnaro, but SSJG would smash Superman. Smash him to bits. Why? Superman prime is weak against magic. SSJG is a divine or supernatural thing, so even if stronger and faster, he couldnt beat a guy of equal speed and power who is filled with magic and divine power. Remember, Bills isnt effected by base physical energy and power, so another supernatural being or a god could only mess with him.

      Get your facts straight before trying to be smug, mah boi.

    4. Egnaro


      The irony^

      and was not being smug, just telling it like it is. I already said Goku is the better/interesting character BUT have enough common sense to know he cannot beat Superman. Go look at his feats for crying out loud....

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