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Status Updates posted by RyGuy176

  1. Holy crap everything is different now. I need to stop taking such long hiatis' 

  2. I sometimes feel like everyone knows the best MUGEN characters but me

    1. JokerintheButt
    2. BrawlTheMan


      I can so relate to this. I feel like for every flaw I find in a character, someone else has found forty-eight. I'm always worried people will judge me for picking what could be shitty chars.

  3. Hey, I hit my 201 post. And I've been here longer then a lot of people. I feel like I dont contribute enoughj

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arya Chan ☆

      Arya Chan ☆

      dont go for it ry it's a ban trap!

    3. RyGuy176


      They can't ban me! Okay, they can, but everyone loves me!

    4. Doomguy


      How much did I post again?

  4. I'm still here. I think

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. llyyr


      I remember you bruh

    3. Erroratu


      Welcome back I guess

    4. RyGuy176


      College is busy stuff. Thanks for the warm welcome

  5. Copy, Move, Unzip, Paste, Undo, Copy, Paste, Zip, Archive, Paste, Rename, Copy, Edit..... The day in the life of a Mugenite

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NotAGoodName


      needs more batch files

    3. Neo_Fire_Sonic
    4. Octavia Melody

      Octavia Melody

      Destroy crappy characters, run out of things to fight, play fighting games, create your own characters, find someone who's recently become important to Mugen

  6. Am I the only one who scans every MUGEN character they download unless it's from a trust worthy author? Shut up, I'm paranoid

    1. Cayne


      My Security automatically does it. You are not alone

    2. Websta
    3. DuckAzz


      I done vry bad job I released the edited character to release section not to edits section,you got me :P

    1. Galvatron


      They way things are these days. I am not surprise. :/

    2. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      And to think some of us Americans are surprised and offended when other countries use the term "Murica" with us.

  7. TV Show featuring The Cheat in a Trans Am

  8. I refuse to use 1.1 until it gets officially released or someone shuts me up

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. DarkWolf13


      I liked 1.1 because of the durability and no lag in the stages. I care less about the zoom in part

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Now i'm getting interested.

    4. Kanbei


      I'll wait, I don't like betas.

  9. Seriously, does anyone have MUGEN Free For All Battle VZ? My hard drive crashed on me and I can't find on link to it

    1. Demitri



    2. RyGuy176


      Wow, I guess I really am showing my age.... Haven't been here in forever xD Sorry N

  10. I haven't been here in.... 4 months. Gods it feels like it's been years. I miss you all

    1. thekillnator


      Welcome back dude! X3

    2. ReneO93


      I know that feelin, welcome back

  11. If anyone's interested check out my blog. New story every weekday! http://blogs.hpedsb.on.ca/ths/sweanorr/

  12. Girl i've had a crush on since grade 6 finally gives me a chance, then breaks up with me 2 days later... i hat life...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demitri


      yeah dont get hung up over one chick, theres plenty of others

    3. Egnaro


      If I could put into words what laharl and genesis just said I would but....lol

    4. RyGuy176


      Thanks guys, your like family to me! :)

  13. Check out this video! It's stupid fun!
  14. I think I found a glitch on the site, everytime I hit "Load more results" It shows the same page duplicated... Huh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RyGuy176


      Can we get a fix?

    3. Ryon


      are you using the white theme or the dark theme?

    4. RyGuy176


      The Dark theme, it's not as hard on my eyes. I can't even look at the white one without having a headache

  15. Got a tweet back from Urahara...cool

  16. Is there a good, safe way to get Photoshop free? I kinda don't want to pay $700... older version would be best

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Otasira


      "What is this pay you speak of?"

      Oh god, I can't stop reading that in Laharl's voice to prinnies everywhere.

    3. Laharl


      :P good cause thats how it should be read XD.

    4. Noside


      I'm a member of a mexican software and ISO community, got it for free. :3

  17. Okay Laharl, real Prinnies. And i spelt your name right

  18. Dood, is this okay Laharel, dood?

    1. Laharl


      no dood thats not a real prinny and please spell my name right.

    2. Black chaos

      Black chaos

      Dood what you doing

    3. RyGuy176


      Finnnnnneeeee :( A little boring though. It's like having a Yoshi week. Not much variety

  19. Rocking my Pink/Purple Sunglasses! Everyone says I'm either awesome or look like Elton John xD

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