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Status Updates posted by Overlord

  1. Things will change. This goes for all things, really, but it's just a simple truth. A fact that will become life in due time.

  2. A hint for my next(?) release... delve into my past and think of the most broken of my creations. What if... I had never stopped working on it? Making it more and more powerful unto an ultimatum, undeniably broken by normal character standards?

  3. A return, or just a simple visit? Time will only tell. Will anyone care? Unlikely, but I'm going to talk about it anyway since I'm an egotistical mechanical overlord. It's practically my job to talk about myself in a grandiose fashion, really.

  4. Ohhhhhh Yessssss... I decided to update my profile picture. Why? Why wouldn't I is a better question, really.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Overlord


      Oh, you're right, I really should. Hold on a minute...

      There we are! Mettaton EX is here to stay, after all, no sense in going back now.

    3. Ganbare-Lucifer


      *Now I really wanna see your next guest on your tv episode!

    4. 00EccoTenshi


      But this isn't even your final form!

  5. Wanna know something sad? Even after all the bashing he got, Pgrs111Magen was still making characters even up to a couple months ago. It's not sad because he got bashed, it's the fact that he kept going ahead and releasing horrible abominations into the world. See for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiFNB8NIIynG7JHFE3trukw/videos

    1. MugoUrth


      That's kind of salting the wound, don't you think?

  6. I literally just noticed that Pope Francis character is in the row of characters next to SSJ3 Goku and Beerus at the top of the page.

    ...Makes me wonder how he'd handle meeting a god that isn't from the Bible?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RicePigeon


      The only ones there that are actual spinoffs are Christianity and Islam, though.

    3. Overlord


      Which is why you should believe in Mettaism, where everything is much less confusing because all you have to believe in is a talking rectangle robot!

    4. Solarflared



      Exactly. They deviate from the source material (Judaism) a bit, don't they?
      Not just in His overall personality, either.

  7. Had to repost some kid's badly-made OC self-insert thing because he thought it warranted being in the News section. Good god.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RicePigeon


      So wait, there's two threads for the character? I'm confused.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Marcio made a news thread for his char but an admin removed it and Mettaton put it in the original chars section.

    4. RicePigeon


      Yeah, if its his own character then it should have gone in the Releases section, not News.

  8. Just found another cheap thing... seems pretty badly made as well. Find it in the Original section under Characters.

  9. Go on, guess my avatar's origin. You'll never figure it out... It will drive you mad!


    1. Demitri
    2. Overlord


      ...Well so much for that then.

    3. Demitri


      no worries :)

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