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About Overlord

  • Birthday February 8

Basic Info

  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Mechanical Falias
  • Languages:
    English, Binary
  • Interests:
    Vengefulness, occasionally dabbling in the editing of mugen characters... basic whims, really.
  • Games:
    ...Too many to list.
  • Animes:
    I am an anime. Fight me.
  • Theme Song:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w612_73XPmk (Emperor of Carnage, Gulcasa Sortie, Yggdra Union)

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  1. That doesn't excuse a complete lack of attribution to NGI in your author field, and even besides that, this character still retains multiple of the problems I mentioned, including but not limited to a super that almost-instantly hits the opponent if they're on the opposite end of the screen and does massive damage, a useless lasso super that comparatively does little-to-no damage whereas even a basic heavy attack does more for no meter cost, a regular combo being able to kill the opponent in only two or three strings even without using any sort of super which makes it incredibly annoying to fight, the throw being improperly timed/aligned, and no intro whatsoever. Source-accuracy is one thing, releasing a character that's still flawed and incomplete while refusing to acknowledge the problems is another.
  2. >Claimed to be made by Ngi, authorfield says Pizzadarius25, is actually a spriteswap of Ngi's Captain Cat Kit Next time, please at the very least check the authorfield before claiming it's made by someone in particular. Even aside from that, this character has multiple issues, namely a super that kills in 4 hits and a grab super that barely does anything at all and does less damage than even a basic attack, a projectile special that shoots hitbox-less smoke meaning it does no damage whatsoever regardless of which version you use, and the normal throw doesn't even line up its animation properly owing to the fact that, again, it's a spriteswap.
  3. The original link is dead (replaced by the author with a zero-byte file), here is a rehost also including an AI patch by Holn: https://mega.nz/file/5q5mRYhS#gEoa-Ljf9XPGrd-zJQJIF4WadLS7gRIyPCV7yrz8KHM
  4. Things will change. This goes for all things, really, but it's just a simple truth. A fact that will become life in due time.

  5. Yes, you're reading that right. At long last, the true, ultimate, final version of Neo Meep, MUGEN's infamous "True Final Boss" is here. A bit late, meant to post this on the first instead of now, got delayed due to external complications, but hopefully some of you find this interesting, as I know many, many people remember (and hate) this character. Even I didn't like it, but you know what? I took one look at it and said "yeah, alright, I can do this way better now", so here it is. (Sidenote, the smallport is glitched because I wasn't sure how to fix that issue when improving the character.) https://mega.nz/#!F6gkEChY!zBYjVQeb1saAKa7rLKuXbXxWHV9ueAMQpXQDGDd7GsY
  6. V1.1 is released. Some stuff's changed, but not too much. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kzx8i5c4huqcxgi/DSP v1.1.zip?dl=0
  7. If you "don't know how to do this" maybe do a bit more research before doing it in the first place? First timing with something is all well and good, but when you're putting in what seems like minimal effort (sprites included considering it's a stickman character) you really don't have much in the way of an excuse.
  8. ...That's just a link to this thread, not a gif of a standing animation.
  9. Actually, I would do that, except I don't have a bunch of voiceclips ready. I'll have to work on that, though, at some point. Not as familiar with LTG as I am with DSP.
  10. If old habits die hard... then consider this my death, as my habits may as well be my life by this point. Superoverlord Meep, one of my more... notorious edits. Another one of my old low quality attempts at self-insertion. And yet, I noticed something... It was cheap. Really cheap. So cheap, in fact, that given enough time it can whittle down and kill even Rare Akuma. For me, though, I decided that 1. I needed an exercise in coding and 2. that if it was going to be cheap, it was going to be CHEAP. Not through sheer brute force, but through code. There are no "null states" in this, so it won't beat anything that doesn't have a hitbox (in fact, it's coded to crash the game if it loses somehow), but it can beat most garden-variety cheap characters. If you're hoping for a well-balanced, well thought out character that takes skill of any kind to use, look elsewhere. If, however, you find yourself needing something to kill a cheap character, consider taking a look at this, my latest experiment into cheap-character creation. And yes, I'm aware there are characters that can likely very easily beat this one. As I said, it was more of an experiment and exercise in coding a truly cheap character than anything else. https://mega.nz/#!oyIXwC7Y!F9HlJ9-0l5SMFa6_R3FQc4guU0bGKz3CYcjFnohHeFU
  11. Neo Meep. If you know what I'm talking about... I'm sorry you had to witness it.
  12. A hint for my next(?) release... delve into my past and think of the most broken of my creations. What if... I had never stopped working on it? Making it more and more powerful unto an ultimatum, undeniably broken by normal character standards?

  13. This edit is of P.O.T.S. Dan Hibiki, but edited with DSP's voicelines and... altered moves. Not much else to say, and if you don't know who DSP is... well, consider yourself blessed. Also... fair warning, don't expect this to be a comprehensive or even "good" edit. I just felt like making it because I was bored, honestly. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sn8ej4ujph5ln4i/DSPTriesIt.zip?dl=0
  14. A return, or just a simple visit? Time will only tell. Will anyone care? Unlikely, but I'm going to talk about it anyway since I'm an egotistical mechanical overlord. It's practically my job to talk about myself in a grandiose fashion, really.

  15. By the way, don't bother asking them to remove your creations from their site if they're hosting it without your permission, they will just ban you and disregard your request. I know you said not to mention their attitude, but this is just a fair warning.
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