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Kiske Otoko

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  1. Billy Lee 95 By Kiske Otoko Ainda falta várias coisas, mas está jogável. Sempre quis fazer essa versão do Billy do Double Dragon de Neo Geo, ele tambbém é conhecido como Double Dragon 95, por isso o nome coloquei ocmo "Billy Lee 95". Quero agradecer ao Iron Mugen por me conceder a permissão de usar o char dele do Ryo como base para um ''template''. Falta ainda renomear os arquivos, trocar algumas animações , novas introduções e golpes, mas para esse beta acredito que pelo menos rola de se divertir um pouquinho. {English} Several things are still missing, but it is playable. I've always wanted to do this version of Billy's Double Dragon by Neo Geo, he is also known as Double Dragon 95, that's why I put the name "Billy Lee 95". I want to thank Iron Mugen for granting me permission to use his Ryo character as the basis for a template. We still have to rename the files, exchange some animations, new introductions and strokes, but for this beta I believe that at least you have a little fun. Download: Here
  2. http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/masadas/mugsfami/index.html - the link is broken =/ I'm looking for the SFC / Snes version of Terry, Ryo and Geese By MASA, but the original site is down and I searched for everything anywhere via google and I couldn't find anyone who had recovered.
  3. [Portuguese] Estou na duvida se posso postar aqui ou não, mas pro caso de não ser aqui eu peço mil desculpas pois tem anos que estou afastado de mugen. ainda está em fase de ''template'' o primeiro char, mas estou fazendo algumas ripagens do restante e minha ideia e pegar algo pior e transformar algo em melhor. [English] I'm in doubt if I can post here or not, but in case it's not here I apologize a thousand years since I'm away from mugen. The first char is still in the "template" phase, but I'm doing some rip-offs of the rest and my idea is to take something worse and make something better. Algumas screenshots do WIP / Some screenshots of WIP De qualquer forma gostaria de compartilhar e se alguém puder me ajudar em algo seja na ripagem ou programação, será de grande ajuda. Anyway I would like to share and if anyone can help me with anything in ripping or programming, it will be of great help.
  4. thanks to video #^^# https://mega.nz/#!TZtHhAzQ!__Hpc4phMxtg8T0Xr_4QidO24tLH5Cnk7_h4-3Px8d8 new link with ex moves ^^
  5. OMG, just now I saw the posts mentioning the missing state '' exmoves '' I really got to do this cns containing the former moves, however inadvertently ended up not putting in my zip. as the character files are not with me right now, I will reupá it later when you get home. I'm sorry it was really my error has. x.x
  6. Welcome and thanks to coment and download #^^#
  7. Altia From Battle Masters Nome do char: Altia by Kiske Otoko Data de criação do char: 08,15,2015 Versão do Mugen: 04,14,2002 Nome do autor: Kiske Otoko E-Mail:arthur.kykiske@gmail.com Home Page: No page this moment T.T Download (Updated) : Here (Portuguese) Ela faz parte de um pequeno projeto de FullGame do game Battle Master do Snes que se trata de um remake, ainda falta umas coisas maaas.. ela está jogável. Optei pelos sons padrão do Kung Fu man para melhor padroniza-la depois no Full Game O que falta? - Adicionar + sons novos - Corrigir Bugs (English) It is part of a small project FullGame game Battle Master Snes that this is a remake, there is still some stuff .. but it is playable. I chose the default sounds of Kung Fu man to better standardize it after the Full Game What is missing? - + Add new sounds - Fix Bugs Download (Updated) : Here
  8. I'm doing the missing to fullgame, and I'm renovating my char Syoh that was forgotten by Mugen universe. sorry if relived the topic but it's for a good cause. :) Edit: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/24390-altia-from-battle-master/ more one on the list :D
  9. Thank you *u*, Do it for the Mugen being fun. in the original game the projectile it is very small and almost can not see and she has few sprites and so I have to improvise right? ^^"
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