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About RicePigeon

  • Birthday February 2

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  1. "Maybe if we all accuse Rice of rape like what Tumblr did with Tobuscus, he would have to step down."

    Not happening my good sir :troll:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EndercreeperMugen


      @Cook4251Weegeisgoingtokillm (Going under yet another new alias) has been bashing members of the Mugen wiki and MFFA for banning him due to his constant ignorance of the rules (As far as I know). Namely, his Litten had two NSFW sprites and he refused to the list the character as NSFW, and then went into blunt rage at Rice, Jenngra, and a few others.

      Well, that's what I've seen anyway. There's likely more to it.

    3. PlasmoidThunder


      The ban surrounding Litten was because the creator was actually Weegee ban evading yet again, and nothing to do with the character itself.

    4. Алексей


      I dunno man, what you do outside of here is out of our jurisdiction. Essentially, we'd not give two fucks, lol.


      Ah, he says funny things.

      (For real, that's horrible and I'd never condone it.)

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