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About RicePigeon

  • Birthday February 2

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  1. Lesson for today: threatening a mod is never a good idea, especially when you've had prior warnings from months ago.

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    2. Mimir


      Why "mod" specifically?
      I assumed it was bad to threaten people in general.  Assuming it was a threat.  I dunno, i missed that.

      Oooh, found it.

      Yeah, doesn't seem very threatening.

      Not like getting rid of him appears like it would be much of a loss, but I see that post to be about as threatening as telling someone "come to my website so I can ban you" or something similar.

    3. RicePigeon


      he was still trying to provoke staff into banning him

    4. BrawlTheMan


      Yeah, but when you say "He threatened me", you make it sound like he wanted to kick your ass or kill you. He already does a good job making himself out to be the bad guy, he doesn't need your help.

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