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About RicePigeon

  • Birthday February 2

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  1. Guys, please don't use the "report to moderator" function to report broken links in news, downloads, and collection threads. Post in the thread or send the thread starter a PM instead.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DLF


      Does this actually happen? Whoever does this must be such a dump person.

    3. RicePigeon


      We've have plenty of bizarre "reports" over the past few months, one of them including a message entirely in spanish that, when translated, was basically the user introducing himself (mustve thought he was posting in the Introductions section somehow). But there seems to be an influx of these kinds of "reports" lately, I think I even made a status about it no more than a week ago iirc?

    4. RobotMonkeyHead



      We got a lot of new registrations after the grand re-opening.  My guess is it's mostly new people just figuring out how to use the forum.
      The registration rate has since returned to normal tho, so the problem should level out eventually (hopefully soon), if the guess is correct.

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