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About RobotMonkeyHead

  • Birthday January 1


  • Primary Role
    Character Creator
  • Secondary Roles
    Character Creator
    Stage Creator
    Content Creator
    bla bla

Basic Info

  • Gender:
    Not Telling
  • Location:
  • Languages:
    Conversational French, elementary Japanese
  • Interests:
    Coding, drawing, music composition, cheffing,
  • Games:
    Killer Instinct, Samurai Shodown 6, Street Fighter 2HF, Mortal Kombat 2 arcade
  • Animes:
    Ninja Scroll, Death Note, Wicked City, Attack on Titan, Princess Mononoke
  • Theme Song:
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  • Discord
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  • Evolve

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  1. Now that everyone's had a little while to look around, if you have any comments or critiques on the new layout, I'd love to hear them.

    Critiques especially, the earlier I can fix things the better.

    Also, I have to give credit where credit is due.  The city style layout came from an idea Ryon had for the future of the site.  This isn't the full realization of it, but it's a step along the path ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      @Mister Fael holy shit lol I feel like a idiot thanks man haha

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      You're welcome.

    4. DuckMannnn


      I know I'm spamming this, but... can we have the squared avatar back lol

      As a person who has an extremely great eyesight, it hurts my eyes when I see those ugly pixels around the round avatars

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