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Status Updates posted by RobotMonkeyHead

  1. h4dCUO3.jpg

    1. DXfactory


      Happy Holidays to you too RMH, thanks for keeping this site alive.

  2. 41ydNNG.jpg

    1. SL-Zero


      Hmm a little confused here, not sure what the context is here.
      Nonetheless, looks neat.

    2. Matiu
    3. DXfactory


      @SL-ZeroThe name of the movie is "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo". The tattoo on the back was replaced with "Double Dragon". Clever stuff.

  3. I haven't seen a movie this good since Machete.


    1. GTAguy


      I haven't seen a new movie since Scoob 2020, it was alright. I need to watch a new movie on stream on Netflix.

  4. You know it's true tho.

    1. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      Gonna miss having him around.

    2. PlasmoidThunder


      I dunno man, the Pokémon collection is a pretty sizeable beast.

    3. Joey S.

      Joey S.

      Dayum, get styled on lmao

  5. The current / new banner was made by @Daemon for the 2019 banner contest.

  6. Made a few adjustments to the forum layout.  Details and discussion here:


    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Updates Are The Best Dates To Make Sure The Pace Runs With Our Best Mates! I Just Like To Rhyme! LOL! Thank You For The 411, RobotMonkeyHæd! (o^.^)-b

  7. There's a new theme available called Blank Theme (Temporary) which you can use to view forums which will not load using the normal themes. Soo you get to see the software in its default state, with no custom styling at all.

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      The issue seems to be that our theme's are really old, and this most recent update (major upgrade, v4.361 to v4.4 so major changes) was just finally no longer completely compatible with it.
      We've been using this theme for years, so I saw this coming and about 6 months ago started bringing the theme up to date. I didn't know exactly when (or if really) this would happen, so it's not completely done. About 80% finished. I've got the day off work so I'm going to see if I can get it all finished off in the next few hours.

    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Resolved.  Blank Theme no longer available.  Things might look a little weird.  This is the result of the updated theme not being finished before being forced into deployment.  Over the next couple weeks a lot of these style quirks will be resolved.

  8. The latest forum upgrade is supposed to allow for animated gifs.  Testing...

  9. The Awards system is now active!  Which means you can now earn trophies and badges etc. for your Mugen creations and contributions to the site. 

    You can actually get a shred more of the  credit and recognition you without a doubt deserve for the crazy amount of work that goes into these things.  And more of all that beautifully crafted, insanely detail oriented digital chaos that's alchemized here can get seen!

    Check the [ SPECIAL EVENTS ] forums.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      @CozySquirtle SotM and SotY are something we're hoping to include in the near future, but we're gonna run it with just CotM for a little bit first, just to get some momentum going and see how it does.  The trophies there now to start stirring interest.  Each of these XotX things has an optimal rate at which we could run it and have it still be interesting, enough entries enough votes etc.  As time goes on we're going to see where each one best sits in that regard, work them in and adjust as need be.

      Palettes and addons, yearly maybe, but PlasmoidThunder's definitely right that a monthly thing for them wouldn't really work.

    3. CozySquirtle


      Understandable. Thanks for the clarification. 

    4. RobotMonkeyHead
  10. If you're using Chrome, clicking on the top banner apparently enables sfx for the christmas lights.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Whoa!! This Is Awesome!! Time To Crash The Party Like A "New Challenger"! LOL! ^_^

  11. Square Avatars?!  That's right.  Check the themes ?

  12. The exterminator is running a process on the back end, all the images should return shortly.

  13. Welcome back everyone! 
    We're really sorry for the downtime, which turned out to be a bit longer than initially expected.  I'll make a post explaining what happened soon.  For now, we're just keeping an eye on everything and making sure the problem is in fact solved.  

    As an additional measure, all plugins are disabled, so that's why the site looks a little stripped down.  They'll be kicking back on in 3 day intervals, for safety testing purposes.

    Thank you yet again for your patience while I pull my hair out and mail it to Bluehost.  My apologies for any inconveniences caused by the downtime, it sucks I know.  No fun for anyone.   Rest assured as per usual when things like this happen, we work our assess off to fix it as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

    For now, I hope the increased speed and security provided by our new CDN is noticeable, and you can expect a full explanation soon.  Happy Mugening Fellas.

  14. Hey, we're back.  Again.  Still not exactly sure what caused the downtime.  

    Bluehost's tech support does not know, IPS is currently being talked to,  and I'm peeling through error logs and system logs trying to narrow down the cause to prevent it in the future.  

    My apologies for the downtime.  I'll keep everyone posted as progress towards a diagnosis is made.  

  15. Stole this from @Ryon with love.

  16. Dude, your cover photo is magical.

    1. gui0007


      Hehe, thanks Boss. ;)

  17. 3rd present has been unwrapped! MFFA now has live chat! Check it out: 


    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yay!

    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      @The Auditor this is what that "steal this post" thing was testing out :)

    3. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Oooooh, that would explain everything

  18. Anybody coming to the new timeline from the Holiday Presents thread, what do you think? 
    What do you like?  What don't you like?  What would you change?  

    Any and all feedback welcome, whatever you think we can do to make this thing better.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Hmm ok, I adjusted the css a little bit, actually made some small tweaks, downloaded firefox and tested it on that and chrome.  I was able to replicated the issue too, but it seems to be working ok for me now.  How is it on your end?

    3. Gaulbetti


      It works on both for me.

    4. RobotMonkeyHead


      Excellent.  Thanks for reporting the issue.  Great to have someone lookin out :)

  19. Here's the story of what just happened to the site.  For those interested, beware, it's a long one, and I'm still not finished writing it:


  20. The first X-Mas present for the forum has been unwrapped!  Check it out here...

  21. Some testing noise


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