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About Forehead

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  • Gender:
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    In a faraway unknown land.
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    Video Games, Anime, etc.
  • Games:
    Fallout, Halo, Gears of War

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  1. And then Nintendo removes Swapnote on the fucking 3DS..Wanna know why? Because of the fact that Nintendo is worried about innapropiate messages being sent. Nintendo needs to step up there fucking game with this shit because this is the internet.

    1. Ryon


      no they didnt stop it because they were worried inappropriate messages were being sent. they disabled it BECAUSE they were sent. If you abuse a privilege your gonna have it taken away.

    2. Mr. Mystic

      Mr. Mystic

      Like anyone really used swapnote so much... It wasn't even that great to begin with...

    3. Kanbei


      @ryuunosuke I agree with you that was a wasted app for the 3ds.

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