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White Ranger

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About White Ranger

  • Birthday 11/28/1988

Basic Info

  • Gender:
  • Location:
    The Command Center
  • Interests:
    Women, Soul Calibur, M.U.G.E.N., The Elder Scrolls, Youtube, Disney Infinite, Yu'gi'oh, Rock Band, Heavy Metal, Mortal Kombat, Swords (Especially Katanas), Ram brand Trucks, Horror Games, Dogs (Especially Labs and Beagles), Cats, Pizza (Seriously who doesn't like pizza?)

Offsite Usernames

  • Yahoo

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White Ranger's Achievements

Platinum Boss

Platinum Boss (12/20)

  • Responsive
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Single Status Update

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  1. Well, I've got my laptop back and everything is running smoothly now. The whole issue was that I had a back door Trojan of some sorts It was causing all sorts of problems such as, causing my computer to lag, freeze, or make the screen go black but the mouse would still be active, slow down Oblivion, cause Mugen to not even load, and the worse one (at least for me) force Internet Explorer to run on it's own, which was odd considering it wouldn't show up in the task manager. It would cause the aVast! alarm sound to go off every 15 to 30 minutes or so. It was basically running a data miner or whatever it's called. Anyway's I'm officially back. :OhYeah:

    I'll start the Iori Edits Collection sometime this week, just need to get everything off my external hardrive.


    So, what did I miss? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cook4251


      Just mugen lagging and one black screen. Myy friend said he should be able to repair it as soon as i get my inernet back on.

    3. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      Awesome! Best of luck to you friend. :)

    4. Galvatron


      Glad to see you back in action Man! :-)

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