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Status Replies posted by OskeinO

  1. man this years almost done eh? feels like a long one. Heres to   another joyful year in mugen. :)

    1. OskeinO


      @Noside im done with you looool you know what i mean.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. That would be cool if Darkstalkers and Rival Schools characters were in SF5.

    It could be possible, because in both games, They are implied to take place in the same universe. Felicia stars in a movie with Blanka in her ending in the first Darkstalkers game, and in Rival Schools, it says somewhere that Hinata and Sakura were childhood friends. It would be a good way to revive both fanchises, too.

    1. OskeinO


      unfortunately cashcom never gave rival schools a chance after project justice yet we always keep seeing batsu in crossover games. :l a real shame just like how will never see another capcom vs snk 3 only fan made in mugen.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Out of all the recent figure reveals this WF...these Virtua Fighter figmas are the most interesting



    1. OskeinO


      waiting on the yu narukami figma all i have so far is skyward sword link and sinon :D

  4. Florida....my new home...

    1. OskeinO


      least you don't gotta worry about shoveling snow.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)


  6. Smash 4 is officially a nostalgiafag fest.

  7. Evil Shao Kahn has single handedly destroyed Gill and Orochi.

  8. If I had the power to create any character right now, it'd probably be Shulk so I could really feel it.

    1. OskeinO


      kills me how so many people wouldn't know of shulk to this day if he never appeared in smash

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. It's easier to talk to girls in AA2 than it is in real life...

    1. OskeinO


      nah it ain't that hard its just that lots a women nowa days are crazy least through my experience thats what i get so just try to find someone whos not quick to act up and then have a 30min argument over it lol.

  10. Finally got my LAPTOP!! for those that know me for a long time yall know what that means time for my station to come back lemme know if yall want any requests and what not see ya on youtube real soon. Osky out!

    1. OskeinO


      thank you. took me forever thats why my mugen channel really hasn't had anything new lately besides other games.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. "read a book niggah! a fucking book niggah"

    1. OskeinO


      real niggas don't read let me see you do some real nigga sht dunk a basketball lol nah im kidding lool

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. People hated MVC3. I enjoyed it. People hated Skyrim. I enjoyed it. People hated DmC. I enjoyed it. People hated Fable 3. I enjoyed it. (Some) People hated Halo 4. I enjoyed it. Is that bad?

    1. OskeinO


      ok games use to be a halo fan but that was only for halo 2 mvc 3 eh its fun but so unfair to new commers of the series people will always complain until they play it for themselves. better to critique the game then just saying it sucks just from watching all the time.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. So I finally found The Legend of Zelda manga at the library, it looks pretty cool.

  14. I'm my own IBO products are coming in and will sell soon ^^ plus I'm showing MPO+ gameplay online though the servers are dead legit. still gotta find a why to stretch video to get rid of those black borders D:

    1. OskeinO


      everytime i put it in HD through camstudio it still goes in its regular size D:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. R.I.P. Mugen-Infantry

    1. OskeinO


      screw them i had issues with them for the past 2 years there site can burn for all i care.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. Time to go scare little children dressed as romney!XD

    1. OskeinO


      like they would know who romney is they kids now just focus on they wack call of duty games or what ever nonsense they do.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Nothing feels better than re-doing a whole mugen roster and set of stages. Haha, I think it's becoming a hobby!

    1. OskeinO


      same thing Jimp said unless my mugen selection is big im not going through all that work.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Sigh, going to the Dentist tomorrow , woke up with half of my bottom jaw swollen, guessing im going to have to have 2 teeth cut out, yay me .......

    1. OskeinO


      Damn brock that sucks man hope you feel better soon and ninja what you mean you can't trust no one round here? I know i don't chat with ya often but im trust worthy period.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Who here is excited about Hyper dimension V

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