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About Matiu

  • Birthday 09/07/2001

Basic Info

  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Santiago De Chile
  • Languages:
    Español, English, Russian, Arabian, Japanese and Korean
  • Interests:
    Making Some Creations of edits and own creations, Interesed on Developvent and Music.
  • Games:
    Any Kind of Game >_> (Mostly PlayStation)
  • Animes:
    I Watch a lot of animes so hehehehehe
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MFFA Legend (10/20)

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  1. Hello MUGENites, maybe for those who doesn't know me my name is Matiu (formely known as MetalGuy(213), Cryomancer or Matias2889) i'll give you a short introduction who i am before saying once again my departure to this community. Well, i'm actually 22 years old (probably who starts reading this maybe i'll be start sawing when i turn 23, 24, 25, etc with the years when i'm not anymore in the MUGEN Community), billingual (both Español and English but my native language is spanish cause i'm Chilean with some Peruvian accent from former peruvian friends) and yeah i've learn't a lot of things in this community from 2008-2017 then when i come back for 2018-2024 in my times when i used to upload a lot of MUGEN Vids on my Channel that a lot of people enjoyed in but everything has come to a end for me at aleast. I'm the one who has behind for some creations that i did on my time (mostly edits or beta characters related to stickfigures) and when i used to take a load of requests from various random people in YouTube, i've enjoyed it within the years but sometimes i started feeling that it gives me a boredom even sometimes i didn't feel very well mostly in 2017 when i had various issues or struggling with personal problems i took my decision to leave the community for aleast 1 year when i come back saying that almost everything is solved cause i felt at the time a change on my status without involving in so many personal problems (even trough i had few of those but that doesn't seem for me a issue to keep going with myself). But now... it's time to say goodbye for a second time but this is one that i'll say that i won't come back for a 2nd time because this is a definitive departure from the community because of many reasons that i'll say about it enlisted part by part: Since i'm on another PC, this time i won't be focused anymore on MUGEN or even managing in this forums the collections of OTW edits or the Stickmen (drawn ones and Pivot Stickfigure Animator) and cause of my old PC that had a major Hard Disk failure so that explains why in 2022-2024 i haven't show some of my presence of updating the collections even i'm not focused on my YT Channel that is only a memory for those who saw me in these times (even trough some vids got removed cause of the modern terms of Youtube and other videos got age restriction) but the main reason of it... i lost everything cause of the Hard Disk Failure (it means i lose all the characters that i've downloaded even for some reuploads to mediafire when the links are broken or belong to sites that contains some hazard stuff for your devices) I'm mostly focused in other things in my life that i'm likewhat starting a new YT Channel related to other games (i'm mostly playing Terraria or Genshin Impact or some FNAF Games like UCN for example) if i don't have find an job after finishing university so... it means that i've grown up finishing my computer engineering career and i'm awaiting for the graduation in july-august but even i'm focused in the Cosplay World with friends (with or without cosplays, i love to enjoy it but it has to need some cautions) even trough i formed a cosplay group in Santiago de Chile mostly related to FNAF (it's in process for the redemption of it because of the problems that between members had and a conflict between me and a former friend on our leadership leading me to lead the group with a new administration and to renew the image of that cosplay group since i created it in May 2022 then resurrected it in January 2023 to avoid cuestionable or preventing decisions that would look like corruption or conflicts) for the fandom that i've went in 2014 meanwhile i was on my 1st Phase on MUGEN thanks for an Argentinan friend that i've know it even returned to know the fandom in 2021 even curious that i've started cosplaying Bonnie (in it's human version) and i like to start doing it's variants (Toy, Spring, Shadow, etc). My health was mostly important that even the second point that i've mention for it well, i'm taking a breath thanks by friends, boyfriend and getting some profesional help to get my mental health better since i'm looking at myself more calm and relaxed without conflictive or cuestionable friends outside of this community that i've went in so i don't have time to focus on MUGEN (even now in those times when i'm taking a break and a breath after cutting ties with my former friend cause of personal problems and the problem that caused a issue on my group) even i've had in the period of time on 2022-2024 that i haven't touched MUGEN for a very long time and losing interest for some stuff that i've liked to bring to you all but i prefer staying on discover other stuff on my life to start having to focus on better things to feel myself better and renewing each time to start crossing the mountain for a good time but hey! in this lapse of time between february to may-june, my mental health and emotions are starting to progress since i started choosing to feel fine and taking things as hobbies (unlike others who took everything as a competition or something else). So this means a Goodbye (again) for me but i'm still active on Discord as Matiu (username: matiu), Instagram (main account for Cosplays and sometimes gaming), Tik Tok (as MetalGuy213) and steam! (i'm no longer using Twitter/X cause i've removed my account because for the lack of activity i've had with that account) but as i say, i'm no longer focused in MUGEN anymore Nos veremos en el siguiente camino! See ya! Hasta la proxima!
  2. Apologies if i was very inactive 😞
    University and lack of a decent PC has been consumed me... Until Weekends i kept Cosplaying so i needed some time 

  3. Noted, until i get my PC fixed i'll make some reuploads of the characters as of now are marked as Offline
  4. Creo conocer un edit de Shuma-Gorath llamado Azathoth la cual creo que soporta ataques aun que igual puede ser derrotado por supernulls o por algunos chars exageradamente poderosos que no tengan esas caracteristicas que tu mencionas Hace un buen rato que no toco personajes que alternen el funcionamiento normal de WinMUGEN o del 1.0 en algunos chars supernulls compatibles con 1.0 y creo que tambien God Alosson soporta algunos ataques de Dark Donald o Rare Akuma los cuales los puede vencer sin mucha complicacion Weno he intentado vencer a Dark Donald con OTW 2008 (OJO modificando un poco su codigo para que se vuelva algo invencible contra el) a mano propia pero siempre intentaba una y otra vez safarse de un ataque que literal deja OHKO de una forma a Rare Akuma y a otros personajes Dark (Dark Colonel, Dark-Makai, Dark Spongebob, etc).
  5. I'll be sooner publishing new Cosplays in September then when i had my PC back to update properly the collections, i'll be so Organized with my things >_>

  6. Very interesing to check in Apologies if i do a Necrobump of my 2019 thread
  7. i can't see the image, can you please show it again? And yes i used to create "Light God" and the cancelled W.I.P Ultraviolet for those as i use Bandicam for the sprites to take photos
  8. My Mugen Team that i use for Team Battles Seinosuke (Gaelik): i mostly experience using a lot of Combos for a 6 buttoned character to get some fights against Medium/Hard/Brutal AI characters to get some challenge, it has very good Fatalities that i should peform against other characters that i have been faced in and yeah, i love practicing a lot of times with this character some combos depending of the character that i fight against. Octohead (Shadowtak): my 2nd character that i also use a lot with Seinosuke, mostly use some special attacks for mostly Medium and Hard AI characters to avoid some super attacks, sadly their attacks are kinda slow to get reincorporated against Cheap Characters, i have to mostly use a "Bubble Shield" super to make some strategies against certrain cheap characters or to mostly spam that "Bubble" Projectile to avoid getting attacked a lot and yeah sometimes i use it's claytalities. Carl Johnson (Armin_Luf): Since his AI is challenging as well that i love the projectiles (or more like Bullets) that made me to just keep 1v1ing or 2v2ing along with Niko Bellic (made by the same author) against random characters depending of their AI to start experiencing some random Battles in. Niko Bellic (Armin_Luf): same with Carl Johnson, i have nothing to say... I still love the Projectile spam (Bullets) hehehehehehe. Marvin (DDR): Well nothing to unexpect that i prefer the older version that has more challenging AI than the actual version that has kinda reduced it's AI against any kind of character and as i say with CJ and Niko (both made by Armin_Luf), i love most of the times using it's projectiles and as well some combos to face against any kind of character Zagi/Robo-Jagi (Ukege): i rarely use this character against any kind of character (mostly badly made characters or crappy made ones) to get some interesing bashing those characters!
  9. No suelo usar el tan preciado F1 para derrotar personajes absurdamente poderosos, prefiero vencerlos de una marena digna si la Inteligencia Aritificial de un personaje no logra contra un pez gordo (personaje sumamente poderoso) pues manejarlo con algunos metodos contra dichos personajes trae frutos
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