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About Laharl

  • Birthday 07/22/1991

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    Rpgs, Fighting games, adventure, brawler, hack n slash, etc.

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  1. Inb4 undertale hate comments anyway. If you played the genocide route I want you to realize you are not fighting enemies they are fighting YOU. Even Sans is fighting YOU hence why Megalovania plays its YOUR theme not his. No this is not the same thing it means YOU are the threat and the others are the protaganists of sorts.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Solarflared


      but what about the times you randomly walk forward

    3. Laharl


      sorry what I meant to say was not FULL control.


      if you notice your flavor text becomes alot darker being that chara is the one with the monologue. This is the way its set up Sans is fighting the final boss YOU its why he can dodge and even kill you if you allow him to spare you. That is the lore reason another reason is if Megalovania just played for every fight it would be ridiculous and not special.

    4. DarkSniperZX


      inb4 FNAF hate comments too

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