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Status Updates posted by Laharl

  1. Happy Birthday Phantom Blood though I know you rarely visit just thought I would say it.

  2. Collection rules have been updated please go read!


  3. I have hidden the Kamen Rider collection until it is finished and redone which should be soon. People kept bumping it up and spamming it with questions so its gone for now please stop.



    To anyone who is remaking any collections or making new ones. We are changing things on how we deal with collections related to Active/Online authors and their creations. Please do not create Collections for authors who are still active with a working website. More details will come in the future on what we plan to do in that regard.

    1. YochiIsC00lest333



       Please do not create Collections for authors who are still active with a working website.

      What do you mean exactly?

    2. Laharl


      it means collections like "Creators collection" then it just links to their website. Don't do things like that. You can still make a collection and link a creation to a creators website if its active.

  5. Please stay tuned for an announcement from staff about the situation with collection threads. MFFA is not going anywhere. Restoration of the threads is being worked on.

    1. Lego6669


      If all the collection is going to be remake, will you add new characters that other user provide the link for?

    2. DXfactory


      I'll be honest, I'm genuinely curious to know what the staff are thinking. Cause real talk, y'all don't really say much out in the open or like, express opinions that much regarding like... I dunno... the state of MUGEN or MFFA or threads being flooded with people's drama and other crap, and so on. 😄 So I hope to see some real in-depth discussion put into this announcement.

    3. Matiu


      Hope all the collection threads gets restored.

  6. apparently one of the forum updates broke part of my Len Collection links to just show the images. I have fixed most of these so there ya go.

  7. I miss you bby

  8. I live again

    1. Noside


      Holy shit dude, haven't heard of you for ages, welcome back.

    2. CozySquirtle


      How long has it been? 2~3 years?! Are the OGs finally coming back? Anyways great to here from you again!

  9. Beep Beep Ima Sheep

    1. Darkflare
    2. RicePigeon


      Hiss hiss I gotta take a piss

  10. We are Back everyone thanks for being so patient.

    1. Алексей
    2. Laharl


      But I'm serious about my fooling around.

  11. Oh, Hi There Opening ha ha ha. *whistles*

    1. Алексей


      These look like some pretty tough customers.

    2. Galvatron
  12. I like trains...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StrongestPotato
    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Oh Fu*get's run over by a train*

    4. jeffery


      i like trains trains trains( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  14. "Here lies Knight Lasswell Died of SHLRRRRP"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Noside


      Here's my ID: 263,694,563

    3. Laharl


      you are pretty full right now actually remove someone or rank up lol.

    4. Алексей


      Right? Remove someone for a couple of fellow MFFA'ers! *Dangles Chizuru in Noside's face*

  15. *currently laughing my ass off at the rice imposter* Don't worry folks he will be dealt with.

    1. RicePigeon
    2. Laharl


      yep I see that

    3. Galvatron


      He got "dunked on"....

  16. Hello nice to meet you I am undertale trash 

    1. Laharl


      for those unaware this is isn't an insult its a phrase ppl use for major undertale fans.

    2. Ori-Ori


      A lot of people are Undertale trash by these point. even those who havn't played the game.  

  17. for the first time in all 5 of my play throughs of final fantasy IX I have FINALLY Beaten Ozma it only took like 10 to 15 years! Fuck you, you stupid gumball I am so happy to finally beat you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Galvatron


      @Laharl: Thanks for those tips, now I know why I keep losing to that thing because if I recall most(pretty much all) of my party was about LV85, and Zidane-LV90  the last time I played FF9... :-P


    3. Laharl


      just get them to 86 and zidane to 91 and you can do it as long as you gear properly as well with equipped abilities. I had everyone with auto haste, auto regen and all of the worst status ailment protections like confuse which will just fuck you over if you don't protect everyone. protect everyone from shadow to absorb or nullify or else doomsday will end you. Holy protection helps too cause he has that as a thing he does. you cannot protect from meteor or flare stars damage however besides shell and auto life. Eiko is a must cause she can use rebirth flame to revive everyone at once if they die or full life if just one dies. Also when he uses curse use curaga and then angels snack. Also make sure you have gysasyl greens to cure berserk cause nothing else cures that ailment besides them.


      I am not kidding when I say I fought this guy over 50 times in my life with different strategies till one worked on the steam version marks my first victory against this gumball. If you use my setup you should be able to pull it off.

    4. Galvatron


      @Laharl: I see....Thanks! I'll keep that in mind next time i play FF9 :goodmood:

  18. Inb4 undertale hate comments anyway. If you played the genocide route I want you to realize you are not fighting enemies they are fighting YOU. Even Sans is fighting YOU hence why Megalovania plays its YOUR theme not his. No this is not the same thing it means YOU are the threat and the others are the protaganists of sorts.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Solarflared


      but what about the times you randomly walk forward

    3. Laharl


      sorry what I meant to say was not FULL control.


      if you notice your flavor text becomes alot darker being that chara is the one with the monologue. This is the way its set up Sans is fighting the final boss YOU its why he can dodge and even kill you if you allow him to spare you. That is the lore reason another reason is if Megalovania just played for every fight it would be ridiculous and not special.

    4. DarkSniperZX


      inb4 FNAF hate comments too

  19. Those were my beans max...

    1. Алексей


      Are you insane?! Those were my FUCKING beans!

  20. I don't usually play a ton of FPS but Borderlands 2 is the best fps I have ever played.

  21. Give me a bucket and I will show you a bucket!


    1. Galvatron


      Me tooo! :awesome

      I mean wow man! she Hot

      and she got alot moves and man! I just want to try her out right now!!! but dammit we got to wait. AGHHHH! ! >_<

  23. FALSE ALARM I had my mugen backed up hidden on my external SO GLAD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wargame-kun


      :v you fooled us back there :v

    3. Laharl


      I fooled myself till I saw a the backup.

    4. Wargame-kun


      well it happens normally if you dont look deeply

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