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Status Updates posted by Zio

  1. every year of my life on earth is a test to see if I can keep my mental state in check and not have mental breakdowns, god damn.

  2. Sometimes I wonder what makes rage culture so appealing to people.....

  3. True Ogre unblockables.

    that's it.

    1. mulambo


      One word: Jinpachi.

  4. You ever just look at a fellow's page and go "wow, this person is unpleasant"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kazagami


      because going around stalking on randos to find something to spite about automatically makes you a better prson, am i right?

    3. PlasmoidThunder


      I don't think he's specifically looking for other people to judge, just that such is the case when he happens upon the page of one for whatever reason. To that end, yes, I also sometimes preemptively judge a person in that regard.

    4. mulambo


      glad to be not the only one feeling triggered lol

  5. internet fellow voice: It came from 4chan, it must be true!

  6. how y'all doing lately anyway, feels like I haven't been here in forever.

  7. nothing really changes, huh.

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Yeah but changelogs say otherwise :}

    2. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  8. Another day goes by, alive.

  9. Akira Toriyama be like


    bubblegum vore characters

  10. when metal knuckles coming back

  11. Masochist Zio has not posted a status update in a while.

    what up zionites.


  13. Merry Dreamcast and Sonic's Ass Game.

  14. What the hell is going on.

  15. Metal Storm's "GAME FOR EXPERTS" mode doesn't pull any punches let me tell you.

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      Heh, that's my all time favorite NES game, yea that's not easy.  I was in a band once that actually used the music from level 2 in one of our songs.

  16. Sometimes I wonder how many of subs actually watch my shit. 500+ subs means nothing unless they are actually watching your stuff.

  17. Friendly reminder: Cut off shitty people otherwise you become as bad as them.

    1. Sir Ghostler

      Sir Ghostler

      It's also your responsibility to leave said person(s). You don't deserve to be treated like trash by awful people that you hang out with.


      I had to do this a couple of weeks ago, due to the person's extremely angry, argumentative and generally awful behavior. It was a decision that I should have made months prior.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Try to resolve the situation calmly and if not, just ignore em, they're gonna hate you but avoid them and focus on your goals.

  18. That Kaf Ka guy sure is a sly dog with his green flames.

  19. For those that are mutuals/frenz with me, my discord ID is  Zio#6229

  20. Robert Garcia speaking perfect English in Art of Fighting 1 is just weird to me.

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Not in the SNES version IIRC.

    2. Cook4251


      You mean Robert "Boob Hater" Garcia? I never thought of it like that. 

  21. You know....Bubsy 1 isn't really that bad in comparison to it's sequels and other bad games. It's massively flawed yes.

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Bubsy: "What could possibly go wrong?"


      *cue sequels*

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