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About Moltar

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  • Gender:
    Not Telling
  • Interests:
    Mugen, Super Smash Bros., YouTube Poops, Nintendo, Pixar

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  1. Recently while browsing I found a video that caught my attention. It was of a Mugen fight featuring a Wario with my 3D sprites from years ago being used. I ended up downloading him myself, and while he doesn't have the SSBB gameplay I intended to give him many years ago, I was very satisfied with what I saw.


    I haven't really been around here primarily because many other things have occupied me, among them some videos I make on my YT channel. As for the 3D Wario, I ultimately abandoned the idea since it ended up proving too difficult to complete.


    If you want to remake my outdated collections to keep them up to date, feel free to do so.


    I probably won't be around here too often because of schoolwork and several other things, but I still wanted to give a small update on where I've been for the past few years.


    - Moltar

    1. Kazagami


      glad to have confirmation that things are working out well for you at last! i do indeed have a plan to restart some of your collections, as photobucket has recently decided to give a giant middle finger to users who did not pay for their service by blurring out every single images embedded from their site. kind of a dick move on their part, i know.

    2. Moltar


      Feel free to do so, especially since Photobucket ruined some of the images

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