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About SSBKing65✯

  • Birthday 09/30/1998

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  • Interests:
    Mugen, Nijikaku, drawing, the Mario, Kirby Kingdom Hearts, Spyro(Classic) Banjo-Kazooie series, many cartoons & anime.
  • Games:
    Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Mario Party 5, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & more

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  1. I'm starting the Year Up program, which will help me have a better future. This year is one of the greatest years ever. Kirby Star Allies right around the corner, Kingdom Hearts 3, Remastered Spyro Trilogy and a new Smash Bros game announced that early! (I want Daisy, even if she's at least an alt character and I'll still be satisfied) And believe it or not in May I''m taking a cruise to the Bahamas, never been to another country until now. What a yearful of awesome.

    And all the while, I'll hope that Rachel Wilson gets the series she deserves.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Congrats SSBKing65✯!! Learn As Much As You Possibly Can, Yo! Also, Cruises Are Fun And You'll Meet Different People From Around The World!! You Never Know, You Might Meet Someone That Plays MUGEN! LOL! Keep Being Awesome! ^_^

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