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About SSBKing65✯

  • Birthday 09/30/1998

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  • Interests:
    Mugen, Nijikaku, drawing, the Mario, Kirby Kingdom Hearts, Spyro(Classic) Banjo-Kazooie series, many cartoons & anime.
  • Games:
    Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Mario Party 5, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & more

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  1. I'm done with the R.I.S.E Program and for my efforts I received a 250$ gift card! What a fantastic day I've had! With it I've:

    Bought Pokemon Ultra Moon (It may be surprising as I've always loved Pokemon as a series but never played the games aside from spinoffs and this is the very 1st game I've gotten. )

    A Princess Daisy amiibo (I love many characters but Daisy is my #1 favorite overall , 2nd is Rachel Wilson, 3rd is Zangya.)

    A  $50 Nintendo Eshop Card (Get some more old games I had in the past.)


    and a little something for a friend...

    I also found out that Gumball's last season starts on January 5th 2018, all the while I'll be worried about Rachel's fate... I've got high hopes for her though.


    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Congrats On Completing That Program SSBK65!! Keep Being Awesome, Yo!!


    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      Pokemon fans have panned Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon for not being different enough. But you won't see any problems if you haven't played the originals. Both Sun and Moon and the Ultras are fantastic games. Although some character development is cut out for certain characters.


      Especially Lillie and her mother.

      But I hope you will enjoy your time in Alola. And why not friend me on 3DS after you finish the game?

    3. bluengineer43
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