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Status Updates posted by TopKirby8305

  1. Heya GS!  TK here, how ya doing?  Btw, what is your four numbers at the end of your Discord name?  I'll add you on mine!

    1. Glorious Showoff

      Glorious Showoff

      I'm doing well (: Thanks for stopping by to see my profile. #2662 Are my four numbers.

    2. TopKirby8305


      Ok sent Friend Request!  :3

  2. Ha ha ha very funny with that little black bug looking thing running across the forum making it look like something went wrong!  xD



    1. PlasmoidThunder
    2. TopKirby8305


      My eye sight is bad....when you see a little black thing shooting all over it can be easily mistaken for a bug!  At first I thought I saw a spider coming down my monitor.  It spooked me.  xD

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      yea that's what I was going for lol

      Someone messed me up years ago with their signature that was a tiny little black bug flying or crawling around the screen.
      It looked so real I actually tried to swat it before realizing it was just a gif.

  3. Heya Guy, hope you could attempt to do AI Patches for that Aqua for Konosuba that was recently released and perhaps Nanoha & Fate in the 

    Magical Lyrical Nanoha section.


    Nanoha and Fate have solid AI but I feel they are going to need to be tougher for some of my bigger & badder teams so I hope you can intensify them further.

    1. IDGCaptainRussia


      Don't do it, please. I used to make AI patches for him, and now he's blocked me and treats me like crap.

      Don't make the same mistake I made.

  4. I keep getting a Malware Blocked warning everytime I hit the main page.  Someone may want to look into that...  x.x;

    1. DuckAzz


      Me too, also my Malwarebytes is fully licenced so it has active protection. Looks like I'm not the only one.

      But there's a thing, guys who have blank avatar there on discord make malwarebytes to show some false or positive warnings, but in this case I guess it's false.

  5. Eghhhh please fix the log out bug!  It's annoying!!  >.<;

  6. Just curious but since Re:Zero is over....I'm wondering if anyone is currently working on Rem & Ram Mugen Characters.  o_O;

    1. SnipingRaptor


      Well, let's hope they can be made and be good characters to play as soon. 

      I need my waifu to be in my roster.

    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Well... There is a couple of 3D Source Film Maker models so... Atleast can hope for a 3D version

    3. TopKirby8305


      I'd love to have Rem & Ram for my doubles in my Mugen Series at some point!  :3

  7. YAY!  Finally!  Lets hope it stays up this time.  >.<;

    1. thebestmlTBM
    2. Galvatron


      Don't worry yall it will. :-)

  8. Heya, love that Tomoyo Doujin Stage.


    Is there anyway you could perhaps make the Tomoyo, Kyou, Fuko and even Kotomi Mugen Characters straight out of that game?  I would love to have a Team Clannad!  x3


    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      I didn't make it, Borewood did. He makes some good things, I myself want to ask if he's going to keep working on The Beast. I love Kung Fu Hustle, it is the only live movie that shows you Dragon Ball with everything on the money, even all the core people except Bulma and Launch, being Chinese. I honestly hope someone gives The Beast the Infinite MvC treatment, he's so epic a character that he needs all of those FX and depth to him.

  9. I wish the forums would get fixed faster!  I want to post again!  >.<;;

  10. Good to see MFFA back up!  Now just need the sections to work again.  >.<;

    1. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      @TopKirby8305 RMH will hopefully be back tomorrow, (no guarantee) but until then it's nice to be able to finally see the front page and, our profiles for now :)

  11. What the hell is going on?  I can't reply to nothing and everything is archived.  >.<;

  12. Heya Gladia, TK here how's it going?  Just curious but do you have Skype?  o_O;

    1. Solarflared


      This is something I'm also curious about. Huh.

    2. Gladiacloud


      No, Skype gives me some problem with other application on my PC.

  13. Heya Nipa!  How goes your Neptune character for Mugen?  Any new progress?  :3

    1. DuckMannnn



        2 January

      I don't think he's around anymore.

  14. Heya Stardust!  TK here!  I sent you a PM, hope you'll respond soon!  :)

    1. TopKirby8305


      Heya Stardust!  TK here!  Hope you got my PM.  I see you online!  

  15. Hey Garchomp, you planning to make a Joltik/Galvantula for Mugen?  (Looks to your sig)  xD

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Totally, along with Typhlosion, Regirock, Empoleon, Garchomp, Dialga, Gigalith, Reuniclus and Zekrom.


      Nah. They're just my favourite Pokémon.

  16. Heya Dizzy, how goes Azunyan?  :3


    Any progress been made on her?  Just curious!  

  17. Can anyone supply me with a beast Erza Scarlet?  Trying to find a AI Patch for her!  ;-;

  18. Heya Dizzy, just curious but anymore progress made on Ritsu so far?  :3

  19. Anyone watch Acchi Kocchi?  If so did you enjoy it?  I'm currently watching it....Tsumiki is too adorbs!  :3

    1. SSBKing65✯


      She looks like a relative of Konata, doesn't she? It seems like another good show I can watch.

    2. TopKirby8305


      Yup yup!  I honestly think Tsumiki is cuter.  :3

  20. Has anyone been able to find Shonen Batto AKA Lil' Slugger from Paranoia Agent yet?  ;-;

  21. Heya LightFlare, Liverpool stage is still glitchy!  Hope you can fix the white box issues.  I'd love to start using the stage immediately.  :3

  22. Happy B-Day to all six users below!  Hope you all have a great one!  xD

  23. Happy B-Day NeoGeo!  Have an awesome one!  :)

  24. Happy B-Day Tohnoshiki!  Have a great one!  :)

    1. YoiSoft™


      hey dude it's me thesage16 :D

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