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Status Updates posted by wicloud

  1. it's my birthday, huzzah!
    now where's the cake at? (jk)

  2. turning 31 in 9 days, feels good even though people say your getting old, i never seem to feel old.


    let's hope some awesome characters get released on may 16th!

    1. Jewel men10
    2. wicloud


      i saw that episode, but not everyone changes to that mental manner, my mind has always given interests in many things. 

  3. after asking for advice from a pro animator who works on other content, he has said my animations are janky, and my doodles are poopoo, oddly enough this invigorates me to just try harder, but i was feeling a little sad when i heard this...

    1. Darkflare


      The truth hurts.

    2. koshty


      Hopefully you animations and drawing show your new found invigoration

  4. i like to rhyme, but it costs me time, thinking it out for the chime. once it's there, some will care to read aloud and feel real proud.

  5. i did it! finally! i animated a walk!...it;s just a 4 framer..but it's something to work off of. after almost a week of failures...*yes literally 4 days*

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Awesome Job, Wicloud!

    2. wicloud
  6. i wanted to sprite and animate today but i ended up taking a 3 hour nap...why rainy days...whhhhhyyyy

  7. spriting is fun but animating takes it to a whole new step, and im finally improving at it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xstarter


      that sounds hard to do.are the animations done in mugen or moviemaker?

    3. wicloud


      im doing them in fighter factory

    4. xstarter


      incase you hadn't figured out ,in FF you can also save the anims as gifs

  8. hah new profile pic...i may change it to vulpix later..

  9. it's good to be back

  10. My quest for improving my sprite work still continues...but my practicing has led to improved results!......i need to make some samples to show for it XD

  11. when a dog has kidney stones...buy diapers...it'll save you money on cleaning supplies...the dog belonged to my stepmom's best friend...good thing it left today!

  12. a yoshi OC of mine will be getting a whole new sprite job..been a while since i got to her...i need to rethink her design XD. The old one had an accessory that didn't make sense...

  13. im now 30! due to it now being my birthday! now someone make a vulpix in mugen for me XD

    just kidding on the vulpix...but it's a project i'd consider..

    1. Gaulbetti


      What is Vulpix?

    2. RMaster007


      I was actually thinking about making Vulpix.

    3. wicloud


      it's my favorite pokemon...sadlymany people i know have forgotten it's existence..my others are already in mugen,,,well 1 of them anyway

  14. i need to start putting my passwords down on a notepad..i have too many XD

    1. Darkflare


      Maybe you should consider making PWs that are a little easier to remember instead.

    2. Cook4251


      Go for simpler passwords. 

    3. wicloud


      they are simple, i just have too many

  15. fixed a gum the yoshi issue, infinite flight *sigh* wasn't aware this could happen but it "was" a thing, just need to make a custom fall and land anim...i may redo her sprites...the edit is kinda old and i improved a lot on sprite art.

  16. what is love?

    from above?

  17. animating is fun and time consuming......i just realized a week passed by when i started practicing this stuff XD

    1. IDGCaptainRussia


      well, someone had to agree XD

      for me it's coding, animating is just plain tedious

  18. well, spriting has improved quite a bit more, im almost able to animate my own stuff...so im feeling confident enough to try and make a mugen character! As soon as i get enough votes on which of the 3 that i should animate.

  19. awoke from a nap...weirdest dream...saw an apocalypse happening...neighbor kids broke into my house wanting me to get them on the roof of my house to save them....and find out it's a werewolf apocalypse...ones that dont actually bite...but the kids are scared shitless of them anyway...

  20. for the love of all that is spicy with melted cheese and beef and a hint onion! Do not Post yet! it multiplies faster than a ditto and a eevee on a hot day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wicloud


      what? im hungry...i spoke what was on my mind...and somehow pokemon got mixed in...

    3. Gaulbetti


      Oh no. That's never good. The last part...

    4. wicloud


      trust me...aspergers is one hell of a disease...you get the most random thoughts at unexpected times....if i wrote a diary...people would think im on drugs...


      here's a thought i just had...putting a bra shaped like 2 crosses under a small shirt meant for showing underbewbs...seriously im hungry and im getting thoughts like this?

  21. been feeling good lately, figuring out stuff, and making a few sprites here and there...may even release the edited Gum soon...however there's still a lot of sprites to rework...but i've been reworking other sprites too.

  22. Well with the bizarre weather we're having...better take the opportunity and do some more sprites and sprite edits...i just really hope i don't get distracted by youtube again :haha_dunk_by_pineapple_soup-d8ryyed:

    1. Darkflare
    2. wicloud


      stop trying to distract me with videos....i gotta sprite dem sprites!

  23. creator's block why you stop me? I no draw cuz oh you!

    1. Zzyzzyxx






    2. wicloud


      it makes sense...i actually have improved over the 2 years i've been drawing/painting, i guess even during creator blocks i should still attempt something. Thanks rim

  24. decided to draw a new Cream the Rabbit sprite...didn't get Cream the Rabbit.....twice....

  25. Playing Peacekeeper is half the battle! Goooottaaaaaa Goooooooooo

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