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About NapoleonJonamite

  • Birthday 06/30/1988

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  1. I think it may be time to go private. I'm feeling a lack of motivation to keep going with any projects, and let's face it I can't compete with anyone. I'm just... Blah. It's been fun... Wait, no it hasn't.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      It doesn't sound like you're having much fun with what you're doing, you really should ask yourself if you really enjoy what you're doing.

      If you want to continue doing char creation (and by that I mean if you want to do it for your own enjoyment and not somebody else's) you should put a bit more thought into it, taking a few lines of code is fine, especially snippets that fix some problems, but when you say you have to take a high degree of them, it might be th...

    3. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      ...at you should put a bit more thought into it

    4. Werewood


      My MUGEN stuff has a lot more copy&paste than yours.....and you can try to keep thinking about MFFA theme "caring is sharing" when your MUGEN mood is down. Think of each of your MUGEN work as a mission. When it is done, you tell yourself, "mission completed" and it belongs to the MUGEN databases, not to you any more.

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