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About NapoleonJonamite

  • Birthday 06/30/1988

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  1. I think it may be time to go private. I'm feeling a lack of motivation to keep going with any projects, and let's face it I can't compete with anyone. I'm just... Blah. It's been fun... Wait, no it hasn't.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. NapoleonJonamite


      I appreciate the thought, Daniel, but there's just nothing left. I played it too safe and made something uninteresting out of a popular non-fighting-game character. Better to just leave while I'm behind.

    3. Laharl


      you want to leave after you were added to mugen coder? Alexei obviously thought your work qualified for the site. LOL dude if I had your mindset I would never make anything.

    4. Werewood



      A) mugenizing non-fighting-game stuff

      + more fun, a big window of creativity development

      +/- perhaps more challenging, as raw materials are usually limited

      - the line between success and failure is thin (kind of a big risk)

      B) mugenizing fighting-game stuff

      + having access to certain amount of available resources, depending on how popular one's choice is

      + gameplay systems mixing is welcomed in some cases

      + some people accept...

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