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  1. Thank You
    Dan reacted to Meldo in Warmth Screenpack [IKEMEN GO]   
    more screenshots:
    and here's the IKEMEN version of my Warmth screenpack, which will mark as my last major contribution to the MUGEN scene. unless something compels me to make another thing for the engine
  2. Like
    Dan reacted to Meldo in Warmth Screenpack [MUGEN 1.1]   
    a minimalist screenpack initially made as a concept to go with the Warmth lifebars I made back in 2022. (which were also bundled with this screenpack) IKEMEN GO version will be worked on after a short break. hope you enjoy this version in the meantime!

  3. Like
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Dowl [Booby Tales]   

  4. Like
    Dan reacted to Basara-kun in The King of Fighters: The Definitive Collection   
    The King of Fighters is a big saga made by SNK, and since then, it has a lot of collections here on MFFA, most of them abandoned. This time I'm going big with it by making one collection with all games until now. It's a big work here so I hope you like it 😉 as always, any help is welcome!!
    Red is Offline, Blue is Edited/Custom, Green is Another Gameplay, Yellow is WIP and * needs an image
    See also: 3D Games / Strikers ('99-'01) / Character Edits (Kyo - Iori - Athena - K' - Kula - Goenitz/Goeniko - Orochi)
    NOTE: I won't include CvS-sprited edited chars since they deserve their own collection apart of this one














    Not Specified
  5. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Welp, Who's next? (2023) -closed-   
    With the poll's even results, it's then up to me to decide between the voted ones. So anyways, my next character will be...
  6. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Uchu Mega Fight: Maou's stage   

    superjump = mild
    animated = no
    bgm = yes
  7. Upvote
    Dan reacted to ShiroTori in Taito Gaming Paradise (Updated 09/21/23)   
    With today being Taito's 70th Anniversary, Scepter and I bring you our latest stage. A celebration of all things Taito! The stage comes in two versions, one with the breaking news intro and HUD and one without them.

    In-game screenshots:
    Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lqxYWBNPd81B8UX4iumA31JjK4tuPQJs/view?usp=drive_link
    Also, I apologize for the lack of an update to the Mushroom Kingdom as of now. I hope to have that come out sometime soon!
    And, as always, we hope you enjoy!
  8. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Uchu Mega Fight: Utsuuji-man's stage   

    superjump = mild
    animated = no
    bgm = yes
  9. Like
    Dan reacted to GreatFunk in Melty Blood Collection   
    [og by karlsup]

    Click on the author names to download.
    Red: Offline
    Yellow: WIP
    Blue: Cheap / Broken
    *: Need stance gifs
    Note: Not including most edits like the Nanaya / Shiki edits, etc.

    Akiha Tohno
    by Daba || by Nana || by Nekozuki@ || by Nekozuki@ + Nana || by Tukemon || by Tukemon + HAL || by Qwerty || by Anomipolis [Arrange] || by Bluishcat [Custom] || by Michaelarmaros [Custom]

    Seifuku Akiha
    by ⑨: MBAACC || by Chikuchikugonzales || by IQS: Old - New

    Akiha Vermillion
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA || by Sion_Love [Akiha_Vermilion(Re).7z] || by Kohaku [CVS + Custom]

    Aoko Aozaki
    by ⑨: MBAC / AI Only - MBAACC || by BD || by Ex-Inferis || by Huton || by IQS: Old - EX - New || by Shadow Skye || by Raien Makoto ||by Wakuwaku || by エス [Aoko-IF / Custom] || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by Totoria [NGBC] || Zero-Sennin [Custom]

    Arcueid Brunestud
    by 586 [Dark Arcueid] || by Asuka-Masaki || by Chotto Komaru: MBRA - Custom || by IQS: Old - New || by Kuro & ⑨ [MBAC] || by Shiroto [Akaitsuki] || by Sion_Love: MBRA [Arcueid_Brunestud.7z] - Muscle Bomber [Arcueid_Wrestling.7z] - HNK [Arcueid_Hokuto.7z] || by M3: Arc_VP [Vampire Savior] / Arc_OR2 [Custom] || by Menes [JJBA] || by MichaelArmaros [Custom] || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by Jadeeye [CVS + Custom]

    Red Arcueid / Warcueid
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by Sumi || by Sion_Love: Red Arcueid [Red_Arcueid.7z] - Evil Arcueid [Evil_Arcueid.7z] || by Toma || by Toma + Raien Makoto || by Qwerty || by Rellua [UMVC3] || by Ryun [KOFXIII]

    by 41: 1.0 - 1.1 - Misobon_ism [Winmugen] || by IQS: Old - New || by Ina [Arrange]: Site Link - Mirror || by Ryun [KOFXIII]

    by IQS: Old - EX || by Sumi || by Shiroto || by Qwerty || by Bluishcat [Psycho Ciel / Custom] || by Drowin [Arcana Heart] || by Sion_Love: MVC [mvc_ciel.7z] - HNK [Ciel_Hokuto.7z]

    Powerd Ciel
    by Doburoku || by Deer || by IQS || by SxVector || by Sion_Love: MBRA [PowerdCiel.7z] - HNK [PCiel_Hokuto.7z] || by TENE: MBRA - MBAACC || by Ryun [KOFXIII]

    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by IQS || by R-R || by Sion_Love [MBRA] [Hisui.7z] || by Toma || by Sennou-Room [CVS]: Old - New

    by BD || by Ex-Inferis || by IQS || by Kannaduki + Tokinokuni-Kei + Ibukah || by Kuro || by Sion_Love [MBRA] [Mech_Hisui.7z] || by Ururyun || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by Sennou-Room [Mech Hisui 404 / CVS + Custom]

    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by IQS: Old - EX - New || by Mucc || by Sion_Love [MBRA] [Kohaku_s.7z] || by Toshi || by Ina [Arrange]: Site Link - Mirror || by Kakeypyurai [M-S-Kohaku] || by Kohaku [CVS + Custom] || by M3: Vampire Savior - UNiB - Kohaku_OR2 / Custom || by Sudara13 [UMVC3]

    Kouma Kishima
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by Drowin || by IQS || by Sion_Love [MBRA] [Kishima_Kouma.7z] || by HM [MOTW] || by Ryun [KOFXIII] || by Zero-Sennin [Custom]

    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by Sion_Love [MBRA] [Len.7z] || by ミマァ [D4 Filter] || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by SLKMugen [KFM Spriteswap] || by Rognarok[Totally Accurate]

    White Len
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA || by Juke Kisaragi || by Kisaragiryuto [Absolute White Len] || by Sion_Love: MBRA: Old [White_Len(BOSS).7z] - New [White_Len(BOSS_Re).7z] || by Kohaku [CVS + Custom] || by M3: WLen_Force [Custom] / WLen_OR2 [Custom] || by MichaelArmaros [Custom] 

    Michael Roa Valdamjong
    by ⑨: MBAA - MBAACC || by HM [MOTW] || by Kamekaze [Custom] || Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by varo_hades & BahamianKing [CVS + Custom]

    Miyako Arima
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by Alice || by IQS: Old - New || by Juke Kisaragi || by Kisaragiryuto [COH] || by R-R || by Sion_Love [MBRA] [Arima_Miyako.7z] || by Tokinokuni-Kei  || by Xiaolongbao || by Aohige [Miyako Rock-Style / KOF] || by Deretun [Yaminabe Miyako / SBX] || by Drowin [Arcana Heart] || by MichaelArmaros [Custom] || by Nep Heart [Custom] || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by Ruri [KOF] || SFG

    by Doburoku || by Otto || by Shimori || by TENE || by Toma || by MichaelArmaros [Custom]

    Neco-Arc Chaos
    by Doburoku || by Otto: Old - Abyss || by TENE

    Damien Armies
    by Doburoku

    Nrvnqsr Chaos
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by BD || by Ex-Inferis || by Kamikaze || by Tuki no Turugi || by BahamianKing100 [CVS] || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom]

    Riesbyfe Stridberg
    by ⑨: MBAA - MBAACC || by IQS: Old - EX - New || by Sion_Love: MBRA [Riesbyfe Stridberg.7z] - Boss [Riesbyfe_Eclipse.7z] - KOF2K2UM [Riesbyfe_KOF.7z] - MVC [mvc_ries.7z] || by Aki [KOF + Custom] || by Duracelleur [ToSix] || by Ikaruga [Chaos Breaker] || by Kn [MOTW] || by Kira [Arrange] || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by Ryun: KOFXIII - Fortress Riesbyfe / Custom] 

    Satsuki Yumizuka
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBRA - MBAA - MBAACC || by IQS: Old - EX - New || by Kisaragiryuto [Vampire Satsuki] || by Sion_Love: MBRA [Yumiduka_Satsuki.7z] - Strikers [RoziuraDoumei.7z] - HNK [Satsuki_Hokuto.7z] || by Anomipolis [Arrange] || by Drowin [Arcana Heart] || by Kakeypyurai [P-Satsuki] || by M3: Vampire Savior - Satsuki_OR2 / Custom || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by Bannana[Garou JET]

    Shiki Ryougi
    by 41: 1.0 - 1.1 - Misobon_ism [Winmugen] || by 無名 || by IQS: Old - EX - New || by Karin-to || by Youngkirei & Take K.: MBAACC || by Kira [Ryougi EXVS / Custom] || by Kohaku [CVS + Custom] ||
    by M3: Vampire Savior - Ryougi_OR / Custom - Ryougi_OR2 / Custom || by MichaelArmaros [Custom] || by Resentone [BBCTB]

    Shiki Nanaya
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by Burst || by Chanmoo || by Glacies || by Ibukah || by IQS: Old - EX - New || by Kisaragiryuto || by K-K || by Kamikaze || by Sennou-Room || by Toma || by Toma + Raien Makoto || by Anomipolis [Arrange] || by Ina [Arrange]: Site Link - Mirror || by Kn [MOTW] || by Kn [HNK] || by Kohaku [CVS + Custom] || by Sion_Love [HNK] || by Zero-Sennin [Custom] || by ZZZ || by SFG

    Shiki Tohno
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by BD || by Daba || by Ibukah || by Ina: Site Link - Mirror || by IQS: Old - EX - New || by Kisaragiryuto [Vampire Shiki] || by Micatuki ||by Rouge Noir ||  by Tuki no Turugi || by Zecruss || by 1% [Grappler Shiki / Custom] || by Dino [KOF2K2UM] ||by Gyrax [Street Fighter] || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by Sion_Love [HNK] || by Zero-Sennin [Custom] || by Infinite [CVS + Custom] || by Fennes, Chiyuri, and エス[Female]

    Sion Eltnam Atlasia
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA || by IQS: Old - EX - New || by Kisaragiryuto [COH] || by Makoto  || by Shiroto || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by Sion_Love: MBRA: Old [Sion_Eltnam_Old.7z] - New [Sion_Eltnam.7z] - Arrange [Sion_Araange.7z] - Alien Challenge [Sion_Alien.7z] - HNK: Old [Sion_Hokuto_RE.7z] - New [Sion_Hokuto_WithRoziura.7z] - KOF2K2UM [Sion_kof.7z] - KOFXIII [SionXIII.z] - MVC [mvc_sion.7z] - Muscle Bomber [Sion_Wrestling.7z] - 3 Count Bout [Sion_WrestlingV2.7z] - "Magical" [MagicalSion.7z] - "NESTS"  [Sion_of_Nests.7z] || by Totoria [KOF]: Old - New || by Below273

    Sion TATARI
    by ⑨: MBAACC || by Chotto Komaru || by Drowin || by IQS: Old - EX - New || by Wraith || by Shiroto || by Sion_Love: Arrange: TATARI [Tatari_Sion.7z] - Vampire [VampireSion.7z] - KOF2K2UM [VSion_kof.7z] - HNK [VSion_Hokuto.7z] || by Ina [Arrange]: Site Link - Mirror 

    Dust of Osiris
    by Shiroto

    The Night of Wallachia
    by ⑨: MBAC - MBAA - MBAACC || by 1024byte || by 586 ||by Meka || by Sion_Love [MBRA] || by Wraith || by Wraith + Doro no Tsume || by Toma || by Rajaa [CVS + Custom] || by varo_hades & BahamianKing [CVS + Custom]

    Neco Black Chaos G666
    by Doburoku - AI Patched

    by Doburoku [G-Akiha Nightmare] || Drowin || by Syacho || by TENE || by YoungKirei & Take.K

    Vermillion G-Akiha
    by Syacho
    Arcueid  Brunestud & Red Arcueid : Qwerty || Len & White Len: Kn || Shiki Tohno & Shiki Nanaya: Qwerty
    Kohaku & Hisui: R-R: MB - MBAC || Mech-Hisui & Neco-Arc: Mucc || White Len & Shiki Nanaya: KANNDUME

    Satsuki Yumizuka: Y
    Akiha EX: Syacho || Another Akiha: Scarlet Moon || Satsuki EX: Syacho / LJH
    Heavily Armed Satsuki: DrKelexo || Skaxl Roa: DrKelexo || Shadow Kouma: The_None / edited by XBrosion || Nico: ju
    Swimsuit Miyako: Unknown [NSFW!] || Swimsuit Len: Hakase [NSFW!]
    Maoko: Fishbed || Constans II: Fishbed || Constantinus III: Fishbed
    China Kohaku: Incurable / MANUELL213XP || Catgirl Kohaku: Konton no Kotowari [NULL character, use it at your own risk] || Female Shiki: Fennes, ChiyurI & エス

    Amber Dragon: Nadagetsu

    Deka Ciel: Eikouya_NoG
    Shiki Ryougi: Ouchi || Neco-Arc Z: SUI
    Giant Len: Unsigned || Giant Mech-Hisui: SUI 
    Kohaku: Sumin2393 || Shiki Nanaya: Sumin2393 || Shiki Tohno: Sumin2393 || Akiha Tohno: Sumin2393
    Len: Humi || Kohaku: Mu [Winmugen+ only] || Shiki Tohno: Eikouya_NoG and KN*RS [Winmugen+ only] || Shiki Nanaya: Mu [Winmugen+ only]

    Maximum Cute Hisui: MAITAKE
    Arcueid Brunestud: Planeptune Arte || Ciel: Planeptune Arte || Shiki Tohno: Petamynx / LUCASZIM DO MUGEM || Shiki Ryougi: Keith The Boyfriend / Burako
    For more edit character, check the [EDITS] section and the Len Edit Collection
    Stages by Dissidia || Stages by Doburoku || Stages by EXShadow || Stages by Ex-Inferis || Stages by Kung Fu Man || Stages by Konbu || Stages by Lightoss || Stages by MEKA || Stages by Ouchi || Stages by Raien Makoto ||
     Stages by Saiyajin-Mui || Stages by TENE || Stages by T.J. || Stages by Type-Wild || Stages by Wargame-Kun || Stages by XTRM
    Melty Blood Screenpack by Kannazuki [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood Act Cadenza Screenpack by Raien Makoto [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood Re:ACT Screenpack by Kannazuki [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood Actress Again Screenpack by Kohaku [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood EVO Screenpack by Kohaku [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood EVO Screenpack by Kohaku, Converted by OldGamer [640x480/Mugen 1.0 & 1.1]
    Melty Blood Fusion Screenpack by Basterman [640x480/Mugen 1.0]
    TYPE-MOON Unlimited Screenpack by Shiki Nanaya [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood Re:ACT Lifebar by Kurisu [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood Re:ACT Lifebar by Kurisu, Converted by Daniel9999999 [640x480/Mugen 1.0]
    Melty Blood Act Cadenza Lifebar by Kurisu [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS 2 Lifebar by Kurisu [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood Actress Again Lifebar by Kohaku [320x240/Winmugen+]
    Melty Blood Actress Again Lifebar by Dissidia [640x480/Mugen 1.0]
    Melty Blood Actress Again Lifebars by Kohaku, Converted by Anthem [640x480/Mugen 1.0]
    Melty Blood Actress Again Lifebars by Kohaku, Converted by Anthem [1280x720/Mugen 1.0]
    TYPE-MOON Unlimited Lifebars by Shiki Nanaya [320x240/Winmugen+]
    AI Patches for ⑨'s MBAC Characters by Hutuno
    AI Patches for ⑨'s MBAA Characters by Hutuno
    AI Patches for ⑨'s MBAA & MBAACC Characters by Unknown Author
    AI Patches for Rajaa's MB Characters by DaMarioMemer
    AI Patch for Kohaku's MB Characters by Jadeeye
    Various AI Patches by Shao
    AI Patches for Neco Arc Chaos/Black G666 by Neat Unsou
    AI Patches for the Hokuto arrange characters by Ralhorn
    AI Patch for Ina's KOF Shiki Nanaya by ???
    AI Patches for Ina's Arrange Archetype: Earth and Arrange Kohaku by Futsuno
    AI Patch for Ina's Arrange Sion Tatari by Sekt
    AI patches for Take.K Ryougi and nineball's Seifuku Akiha by Amgis [mirrors: Ryougi - Seifuku Akiha]
    Portraits for Kohaku's MBAA Lifebars by Ultimecia
    Portraits for Kurisu's MBAC Lifebars by Raien Makoto
    Voice Patch for Shiroto's Arcueid & Relua''s Red Arcueid by Sion_Love
    High-Res Melty Blood Portrait Pack by Saikoro
    Len Edits Collection 
     Fate Series Collection 
    Urobura: Act Cazensa Collection 
    Type Lumina Collection
    MB Edits Collection
  10. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Ia [Booby Tales]   

  11. Upvote
    Dan reacted to N_N in Di Gi Charat   
    Original thread by Kazagami
    Click the author names below the images to download! Red text means a creation is offline.
    Di Gi Charat / Dejiko: Tokinokuni-Kei || Petit Charat / Puchiko: Tokinokuni-Kei || Pyocola Analogue III / Piyoko: Tokinokuni-Kei || Usada Hikaru: Nyan☆Kiryu - Muirtower's edit

    Di Gi Charat / Dejiko: Infantry00

     Petit Charat / Puchiko: Valgallah

    Di Gi Charat / Dejiko: Nyan☆Kiryu

    Gema: Conan

    kitekuretearigatou: 帰れ
    Battle Nyo! stages by NOR || Akiba (Magical Heroines Plus) by Valgallah || Glove On Fight - Dejiko Stage (4:3 and 16:9 versions) by Tokinokuni-Kei, edited by Ibukah
    AI patches for Nyan☆Kiryu's characters by 柊・竹・梅
    AI patch for Nyan☆Kiryu's Dejiko by N_N
    AI patch for Tokinokuni-Kei's Puchiko by Silvan
    AI patch for Tokinokuni-Kei's Piyoko by Nori
    AI patches by Holn (Tokinokuni-Kei's Dejiko and Nyan☆Kiryu's Usada)
    Di Gi Charat screenpack by tanaka [Winmugen+/320x240]
  12. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Colors Party -The Roll Up End- : Rosarium   

    superjump = mild
    animated = yes
    bgm = yes
  13. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Solid Snivy in BlazBlue   
    Figured I'd go ahead and remake DartzPie's collection since it hasn't been updated in months. Mainly adding in characters that were released during that time and sprucing up a bit of stuff with how it's presented. Currently a work in progress.
    Click on the author names to download them.
    Green = Source Accurate
    Blue = Custom Style
    Purple = Plays like/inspired by BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle
    Brown = Here for collection purposes
    Red = Offline

    Ragna: Devilpp [BBCS / Outdated] = Updated / Jeff Locos / Daimonmau / KaL[ MVC] /  Speedy / OHMSBY = Mushypepito1233's edit = Tornillo Oxidado's edit / Mr. Giang
    Jin: DaNaru250 [KOF XIII] / KaL [MVC] / Speedy / OHMSBY = Tornillo Oxidado's edit
    Noel: Devilpp [BBCS / Outdated] = Updated = Josebg's edit / Ron_Ti_Chu [BBCT?] / KaL [MVC] / Speedy / ILoveMyself [Beta] / K-4-6 Orochi [Unfinished] / Tornillo Oxidado (Regular and NOL Uniform)
    Rachel: KaL [MVC] / Speedy

    Hakumen: Jeff Locos / Daimonmau / KaL [MVC] / Speedy / Vinnie
    Nu-13: Neat Unsou [BBCT] (sff file) / KaL [MVC]
    Tager: Speedy / OHMSBY
    Bang: KaL [MVC] / Speedy  / Tornillo Oxidado

    Litchi: QYChina / KaL [MVC]
    Arakune: muteki,jose bg [GG]
    Taokaka: SxVector [BBCSE] / Resentone
    Carl: KaL [MVC]

    Tsubaki: KaL [MVC] / Speedy
    Hazama: Devilpp [BBCS / Outdated] = Updated / KaL [MVC] / Vinnie
    Mu-12: KaL [MVC]
    Platinum: Websta (1.1 only) [BBCS] / KaL [MVC]

    Valkenhayn: KaL [MVC]
    Lambda-11:  KaL [MVC] / OHMSBY
    Relius:  DaNaru250 [KOF XIII] / KaL [MVC]
    Makoto: Devilpp [BBCS] / KaL [MVC] / Tornillo Oxidado

    Amane: Muteki?? [GG]
    Azrael: Deoxgigas 1.1 [BBCP] = 1.0 / OHMSBY = Tornillo Oxidado's edit
    Kagura: Deoxgigas 1.1 [BBCP] = 1.0
    Mai: Kouya / OHMSBY

    Terumi: Takehaya Susanoo [MBAC] / OHMSBY / Tornillo Oxidado's edit (Mushypepito)
    Susano'O: Takehaya Susanoo [MB] / OHMSBY
    Nine: Kouya
    Izanami: by Takehaya Susanoo [MB]

    Izayoi: Deoxgigas (1.1) [BBCP] = 1.0 / Tornillo Oxidado
    Es:  OHMSBY
    Hibiki Kohaku: Hexioum 1.1 [BBCF] / Vinnie
    Bullet: Seraph Ares [BBCP] / Resentone

    Kokonoe: OHMSBY
    Jubei: Son of Aura [Alpha / BBCF]
    Naoto Kurogane: MaTrIx [Alpha / BBCF] = Gamerstrike1's edit / Vinnie

    Ares: Seraph Ares Part 1 Part 2 [BBCT]
    Es Alter: Takehaya Susanoo [MBAC]
    Ceridwen: Rebi24 [??]
    Es (Paladin_132): Mushypepito123

    Lightborn Azrael (Paladin C-1954) : Mushypepito123
    Lightborn Mai (Huntress-32A5): Mushypepito123
    CODENAME: HADES: Mushypepito123
    Centralfiction:  Tornillo Oxidado

    Miyakaka: Kettosee
    Miyukaka: Kettosee
    Blazblue Continuum Shift Arcade Opening by dncelestinx96
    Blazblue Continuum Shift II opening by Dan mt.

    Ragnamau Balance Patch by the coolest barf
    *Copy and paste the files into ragnamau folder
    AI Patches
    Shao's AI patches for:
    • Susano'o by Takehaya Susanoo
    • Yuuki Terumi by Takehaya Susanoo
    • Es Alter by Takehaya Susanoo
    • Platinum by Websta
    Holn's AI patches for:
    • Es Alter by Takehaya Susanoo
    • Susanoo by Takehaya Susanoo
    • Nine by Kouya
    • Bullet by Seraph Ares
    • Ragna by OHMSBY
    • Kokonoe by OHMSBY
    • Tager by OHMSBY
    • Lambda-11 by OHMSBY
    • Jin by DaNaru250
    • Relius by DaNaru250
    • Taokaka by Resentone
    Tornillo Oxidado's AI patches for:
    • Ragna by OHMSBY
    • Jin by OHMSBY
    • Azrael by OHMSBY
    Voice Patches
    • ShaGuiTo64's English Voice Patches for Devilpp's Ragna and Noel
    • Tornillo Oxidado's English Voice Patches for their own Noel (also works for her NOL uniform), Makoto and Izayoi
    • Various Voice Patches for OHMSBY's characters
    • Japanese Voice Patches for Vinnie's characters
    Character Color Palettes
    • Vocalnoid's Cookie Run: Ovenbreak Palettes
    • Paulo S's Character Palettes
    • Jerry Kisaragi's Character Palettes
    • Mid117's Character Palettes
    • ArcBeast's Character Palettes
    • MT7's Character Palettes
    Blazblue Continuum Shift by H-Loader  for 1.0
    Blazblue Cross Tag Battle by Rayzo for 1.1
    Blazblue Central Fiction by Gazira for 1.1
    [1280x720] -port template
    Blazbue Chrono Phantasma Extend by Gazira for 1.1
    Blazblue Chrono Phantama V.2 by Gazira for 1.1
    Blazblue Chrono Phantasma by Gazira for 1.1
    Blazblue Continuum Shift V.2 by Gazira for 1.1
    Blazblue Calamity Trigger V.2 by Gazira for 1.1
    Blazblue Continuum Shift by Nameless353 and sal-azul for 1.0
    Blazblue Chrono Phantasma By DartzPie  for 1.0 version,  1.1 Version
    Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend by Dartzpie for 1.1
    Blazblue Calamity Trigger By DartzPie  for 1.0 version, 1.1 Version
    Blazblue Mod Edition by H-Loader
    *640x480 * Not the original file
    Blazblue Battle Colisseum Extended by Gazira for 1.1
    Blazblue Battle Colisseum by Gazira for 1.1
    Blazblue Calamity Trigger by Gazira for 1.1

    Blazblue Stage Pack
    Blazblue Chrono Phantasma Platform by Ouichi
    Blazblue Sheol Gate by Exshadow
    Stages by Necro_rk
    Blazblue Chrono Phantasma all BG stages by Gaziragain  For 1.1 only
    Blazblue Chrono Phantasma & Central Fiction Stages by Kamui_Kanjai
    Distortion Drive by mAdLaX
    See Also:

  14. Upvote
    Dan got a reaction from mmmcheseburger3 in Iku Nagae IkutronHD Download?   
    Downloaded and re-uploaded it real quick, here's the link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xr458a754n9qwln/Iku_RP.rar/file
  15. Upvote
    Dan reacted to The Magic Toaster in Kadoyasu Itaba Released & All Characters Updated by dager 4/2/2023   

    Kadoyasu: https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AJrjSlm0LORJOEg&id=5B613A4B6F32F277!299&cid=5B613A4B6F32F277
  16. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Uchu Mega Fight: Blue Moon's stage   

    superjump = mild
    animated = no
    bgm = yes
  17. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Magical Monsters: Coast   

    superjump = yes
    animated = yes
    bgm = yes
  18. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Magical Monsters: Monster Square   

    superjump = yes
    animated = yes
    bgm = yes
  19. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Shino Utsuda [Happy Battle]   

  20. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Valgallah in Yume 2kki: Dream Mexico   

    superjump = yes
    animated = yes
    bgm = no
  21. Like
    Dan reacted to Kamui_De_Los_Vientos in Dengeki_Military Subway   
    Military Subway

    Thanks to
  22. Like
    Dan reacted to Kamui_De_Los_Vientos in Dengeki_Shinto's Temple   
    Thanks to:
  23. Like
    Dan reacted to Meldo in Power Instinct 1 / 2 / Legends   
    (Original thread by Ryoucchi)
    Click on the author's name to download.
    Red: offline

    Keith Wayne: Basara-kun

    Otane Goketsuji: Capitan Trueno

    Reiji Oyama: Basara-kun

    Saizo Hattori: Basara-kun / O Ilusionista / 119way

    Thinnen: Capitan Trueno / Ihoo1386 

    White Buffalo: Basara-kun / 119way

    Angela Belti: Masa00341

    Keith Wayne: Mouser

    Annie Hamilton: 177 / Yaten-Kou

    Kurara Hananokouji: Amago / 119way

    Kuroko: 119way

    Young Oume: 117

    Oshima Goketsuji: Mass

     Reiji Oyama: IIGamesMaster|| / 119way

    Sahad Asran Ryuto: Mass

    Angela Belti: Ryoga_RG / 119way

    Chuck: NS

    Evil Reiji Oyama: Basara-kun
    Power Instinct 1: Stages by JAM || Stages by OldGamer || Angela's Stage by Ryoucchi & Toaster
    Power Instinct 2: Stages by JAM || Oume's Stage by OldGamer
    Power Instinct Legends: Stages by JAM || Angela's Stage and Keith's Stage by Reginukem
     JAM's stages located under ※豪血寺一族 in the blog post
    Groove on Fight / Power Instinct 3
    Power Instinct Matrimelee / Bonnō Kaihō / Matsuri Senzo Kuyou
  24. Like
    Dan reacted to Sergio P in Melty Blood: Type Lumina   
    Character Select
    Shiki Tohno : Kira5472  / Resentone / Nanaya || Akiha Tohno : Ichida / Kira5472 / Eiton (Ikemen only) || Arcueid Brunestud : Kira5472 / Resentone || Red Arcueid : Resentone || Ciel : Kira5472 || Powered Ciel : OHMSBY || Kohaku : OHMSBY  || Hisui : Kira5472 / Resentone || Miyako Arima :  mtk_d  / Ichida / Ryon (Ikemen only) || Aoko Aozaki : Burako (1.1 only) / OHMSBY || Kouma Kishima : Ichida || Michael Roa Valdamjong : TornilloOxidado || Vlov Arkhangel : STG / OHMSBY || Saber : Resentone / oscar123 || Noel : Ichida || Dead Apostle Noel : OHMSBY / mtk_d || Mash Kyrielight : Resentone || Shiki Nanaya : Resentone || Ushiwakamaru : Resentone || Monte Cristo : Ichida
    Training Room by David11 (1.1 only) 
    Midday Coincidence by Manny Lingle (1.1 only)
    Rainy Moon by BeterHans (1.1 only)
    Summer Sky by Manny Lingle (1.1 only)
    AI Patches
    Holn's AI for Resentone's Red Arcueid
    Holn's AI for Resentone's Saber
    Holn's AI for Resentone's Mash
  25. Upvote
    Dan reacted to Solid Snivy in Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax / Crossing Void   
    Figured I'd go ahead and remake 柊 明's old DBFC collection since it hasn't been updated in nearly 2 years. Of course, I also plan to add in any other missing characters, stages and the like that have also been made from then to now. If anything needs correcting or updating then please let me know. I do want to try and keep cheap versions of characters to a minimum though so they won't really be added that much.
    Dark Green - Most Accurate
    Light Blue - Custom Style
    Orange - Edit
    Purple - Collection Purposes
    Red - Offline

    Akira Yuuki
    by Ryon ll by LarsMasters ll by Ghost Killer II by Vinnie / PackManMUGEN's edit ll by サナエオャd ェiィスソユ "Kung-Fu Akira"

    Selvaria Bles
    by 41 (1.1 only) II by Kohaku II by Vinnie

    by Sennou-Room ll by Bgrsb6 II by Zanga II by OHMSBY II by xmark12 "Incarnation Kirito" (edit of Sennou-Room's version) II by ThatOneGuyThousandALT (cheap edit of Sennou-Room's version) ll by mushypepito123 (edit of Sennou-Room's version)

    Asuna Yuuki
    by 41 (1.1 only) ll by Shin Mako / Sennou-Room's Edit ll by Air_MUGEN ll by Sennou-Room II by Kohaku II by OHMSBY II by Vinnie II by Sennou-Room "Asuna.EXE" (1.1 only) / Gui Santos

    Kimono Asuna
    by Sennou-Room II by Vinnie II by Paulo S (sprite patch of Vinnie's Asuna that puts her in her regular outfit) II by Infernal Spectre "Red Warrior"

    Taiga Aisaka
    by Websta (1.1 only) II by Air_MUGEN ll by Kohaku ll by Basara-kun ll by Nep Heart ll by OHMSBY ll by Barbatos "kinni" ll by mtk_d

    Maid Taiga
    by OHMSBY ll by Paulo S (sprite patch of OHMSBY's Taiga that puts her in her regular outfit)

    Shizuo Heiwajima
    by Ultra Fatality ll by Websta (1.1 only) II by 阿修-克里门森 II by Resentone

    Yukina Himeragi
    by rakurai ll by Sennou-Room II by aki II by Shengdai II by ZET II by Resentone

    Summer Yukina
    by ArgDmon (spriteswap of Sennou-Room's Yukina)

    Mikoto Misaka
    by beterhans (1.1 only) II by OHMSBY II by Mr. Giang (1.1 only) ll by 阴虛道长 ll by S.Y

    Kirino Kousaka
    by YU-TOHARU ll by Kohaku II by Vinnie

    Miyuki Shiba
    by rakurai ll by beterhans (1.1 only) ll by Kohaku ll by Vinnie

    by Websta (1.1 only) II by ZET II by Kohaku II by OHMSBY II by Rebi24 "Scarlet and Blue" II by Nep Heart

    Kimono Shana
    by Infernal Spectre "Blademaster"

    Rentaro Satomi
    by Hellzone ll by Walruslui ll by Kohaku ll by Resentone: Old / New / PackManMUGEN's edit

    Tomoka Minato
    by Infantry00  II by Gondwana "FF-Tomoka" (Cheap) II by Mother Earth "Moe-Moe Rebellion" II by Websta (1.1 only)

    by Kohaku II by ???

    Bride Kuroyukihime
    by Resentone (sprite patch of Kohaku's Kuroyukihime)

    Yuuki Konno
    by Sennou-Room II by Kira II by Vinnie II by sandaime "Zekken Yuuki" and Yuki Takeya

    Angel Yuuki
    by Resentone (sprite patch of Sennou-Room's Yuuki)

    Tatsuya Shiba
    by Ryon (WIP) II by brinhyldr / Alternative Link II by Vinnie: Old / New II by Infantry00 II by Crimson (BETA)

    by Sennou-Room (1.1 only) II by C

    Emi Yusa
    by Sektor II by Kohaku  II by Vinnie

    Kuroko Shirai
    by beterhans (1.1 only) II by OHMSBY II by Mr. Giang (1.1 only) ll by honegami_touge II by S.Y.

    Qwenthur Barbatoge
    by Kira5472

    Alice Zuberg / Alice Synthesis Thirty
    by xmark12 II by Infernal Spectre "White Knight"

    Orihara Izaya
    by LUNE II by 月上行者 ll by NEX (1.1 only)

    by Sennou-Room (Unfinished, 1.1 only)

    by muko

    Hideki Nishimura
    by WallsRivals

    Kojou Akatsuki
    by Kira5472

    Hatsune Miku
    by Allyalea II by kurumixsora "Element Miku" (edit of Allyalea's version)
    Sonic Stage by Websta (1.1 only) / beterhans's edit (1.1 only)
    NiGHTS Stage by Websta (1.1 only) / beterhans's edit (1.1 only)
    Training Stage by beterhans (1.1 only)
    Fantasy Ruins by beterhans (1.1 only)
    Matsumoto Castle by Ex☆Cham (1.1 only) /  beterhans's edit (1.1 only, password: public)
    Shinto Temple by KenJou_Lirt (1.1 only)
    Mliltary Subway by KenJou_Lirt (1.1 only)
    Streetwise by KenJou_Lirt (1.1 only)
    Lifebars by "DartzPie" [1280x720] (1.1 only)
    Lifebars by "YU-TOHARU"  [640x480] (winMUGEN only)
    Patch for YU-TOHARU's lifebars by Ryoucchi (1.0, Pre-patched)
    Patch for YU-TOHARU's lifebars by Ryoucchi (1.1)
    Lifebars by "hloader" [640x480]
    "Moves cancel" patch for Ryon's Akira Yuuki
    1.0 patch for Sennou-Room's Ako by Hyde233
    ZolidSone's Undine sprite patch for Vinnie's Asuna
    AI patch for Asuna "41"
    AI patch for Asuna "Shin Mako"
    AI patch for Kirino "YU-TOHARU"
    AI patch for aki's Yukina by Unknown Author
    AI patch for Sennou-Room's Kirito by CSX (Warning that using the patch may cause bugs to arise)
    AI patch for Kirito "Bgrsb6"
    AI patch for Shana "Kohaku"
    Brynhildr_'s AI patch for Kohaku's Selvaria
    Galeo's AI patch for Kohaku's Rentaro
    Boomer's AI Patches for: 
    • Asuna by Kohaku
    • Kuroyukihime by Kohaku (Also works with Resentone's edit)
    • Miyuki by Kohaku
    • Selvaria by Kohaku
    Ikaruga's AI Patches for:
    • Shana by Kohaku
    • Selvaria by Kohaku
    AI patch for Kirito "Sennou-Room".
    Resentone's AI Patch Nerf for his Rentaro.
    Holn's AI Patches for:
    • Asuna.EXE by Sennou-Room (As_EXE_AI)
    • Kimono Asuna by Sennou-Room (As_EXE(kimono)_AI)
    • Ako by Sennou-Room (Ak_AI)
    • Kirino by Kohaku (K_AI)
    • Miyuki by Kohaku (M_AI)
    • Shana by Kohaku (S_AI)
    • Taiga by Kohaku (T_AI)
    • Mikoto by OHMSBY
    • Kuroko by OHMSBY
    • Maid Taiga by OHMSBY
    • Tomoka by Infantry00
    shao's AI patches for all DFBC characters made by Kohaku and Websta
    DaMarioMemer's AI patch for OHMSBY's Shana
    Vocalnoid's Cookie Run: Ovenbreak Palettes
    Paulo S's Character Palettes
    TotalDramaXtremist's Palettes
    Takanashi Hoshino's Character Palettes
    Mid117's Character Palettes
    ArcBeast's Character Palettes
    MT7's Character Palettes
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