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  • Birthday 12/02/1999

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    English, Spanish.
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    Mostly videogames, also drawing.
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    Puyo Puyo, Wario Land/Wario Ware and Animal Crossing

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  1. Anyone here played with one of these Snes Arcade too?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      Time limit based on coins? You mean like in game time, as in a level time limit, or how long you can play in general? 

    3. Dan


      Actually i don't remember, it was: put a coin in, the game gives you time (X minutes), and you play, more coins = more time, but i think these machines are a little rare (i have seen only one in the arcades, but the second controller was wrecked)

    4. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      Sounds and looks pretty awesome! I can understand putting a coin into it for how long one can play, just so everyone gets a turn as that sounds like Nintendo. Putting coins in for total level time limit on the other hand sounds like something Konami would do now that they are into micro-transacting the crap out of everything, and having mobile as their main platform. That's just a thought on my part of course. :)

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