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ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

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Status Replies posted by ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

  1. Hello again Everybody, I only come back for say goodbye and some words...


    my time was short as a member, but I'm pleased to be here, I would have liked to be a little more, but it is not possible ...
    I met some very nice people, others less so and some that I would have liked to meet....

    Passing through very difficult moments, but I must thank this comrade, for their support at the time, even I owe my life, but I still have a lot to overcome....

    So goodbye to everyone and have a good time, and enjoy the forum new members,and future and be respectful of others.


    And the girl kimito is better now,even still hurts with that big loss, but will be fine. <: )


    16 years 2000-2016


    I hope that MUGEN last much longer, it's a great engine fight of the old school.and thanks all those who make it possible for it to remain be a great game.


    This crow was beaten in battle.


    Thanks to all. specially the few friends and comrades i made here.


    Daniel Zimmerlenn. (Rokuo Ishida)



    Sorry for the bad english.



  2. Well, here we had a tragic Christmas here.


    Well, first of all, I'm in Japan and I am staying with a friend named Kimito 20 of years old and often visited his best friend throughout his life called ketsu of 23 years of age, not Japanese are talking, but they I have helped guide me and fortunately speak English and sincerely appreciate it.


    (2 members of mffa know who she is)


    Well this step, 24/25 December he was a christmas party, honestly I do not really pleasing parties, but if I had some presence, all the guests enjoyed it, giving of gifts, etc.
    after 4am in the morning, and all was over and were leaving and thanking the party, I stay up, then more or less at 10am, the phone rang, I answered and spoke a voice hysterical and crying I was speaking in Japanese and did not understand, I said "please you can speak English?", thankfully if he spoke, he was calling was the mother of ketsu and told me the following "ketsu has died," I honestly do not know what to say, I also had friendship with him, and honestly I became very bad with what she told me, said he died on the way to hospital because of a fatal car accident, had hit a driver intoxicated, after a while we said goodbye , I was completely in shock, even thought it might not be able to tell you this horrible event to Kimito, but I had to, at 2pm, I had to call her and tell her what had happened, she almost faints and began to mourn, so I had to be with her to calm down a little, hours after we went to the hospital, and honestly did not dare to enter, but Kimito did, even this very sad and depressed by this, me too, specially for her.


    Honestly I lost my best friend too, several forum members know this, but this is very different because they were friends since childhood and was his only friend, and losing at Christmas is just horrible, the'm trying to support so they do not pass anything else. It is the most that I can do for her.


    I hope that this will improve and Kimito not go through what I went through long ago. she is a good person and very active and friendly and do not want anything bad to happen to her.


    Honestly, it's been just over two weeks I have been very ill (the reason, bronchitis), and the doctor says it is probable that can become pneumonia, I dont know what to think, I have to wait until Friday and I hope for the best.



  4. Sign-ups for the revival of Danganronpa: Death City Chronicles can be found here:

  5. Sign-ups for the revival of Danganronpa: Death City Chronicles can be found here:

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Hello Gentlemen, well, actually im still  interested, I can create a character (oc) and is required to place information at the end of the text of the topic?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Sign-ups for the revival of Danganronpa: Death City Chronicles can be found here:

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Thanks, But, i need create a character first, right? or is optional? Besides i need how to play RP first, or is simple learn that?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Sign-ups for the revival of Danganronpa: Death City Chronicles can be found here:

  8. I might quit mugen in one week if nothing good shows up in the news, plus, i'm getting sick and tired of being in this community. I feel like mugen is holding me back.

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Ok Mr.Cayne well I leave it at that, besides this place is no chat, so this concludes. ^_^;

      @Mister Fael Sorry so much, for this minor inconvenience.it will not happen again.^.^

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  9. I might quit mugen in one week if nothing good shows up in the news, plus, i'm getting sick and tired of being in this community. I feel like mugen is holding me back.

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)


      Gentleman, do not blame the lady for their behavior. ^_^;

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  10. I might quit mugen in one week if nothing good shows up in the news, plus, i'm getting sick and tired of being in this community. I feel like mugen is holding me back.

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      @Laharl sorry them but I say it by being courteous is something we can not avoid. Also I do not think I should feel old laharl ;) (Sir, Mr, Gentleman and Miss and lady for the womans)

      @if you behave well being married, I do not not know how you were when you were single, gentleman cayne. ^_^;

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  11. I might quit mugen in one week if nothing good shows up in the news, plus, i'm getting sick and tired of being in this community. I feel like mugen is holding me back.

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Are you sure, gentleman? by the way there is no reason to discuss, much less here Mr.Cayne. ; )


    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  12. I might quit mugen in one week if nothing good shows up in the news, plus, i'm getting sick and tired of being in this community. I feel like mugen is holding me back.

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Well Mister fael, bye and thanks for all... then maybe you could give some visits in the future, although no sure good long will this forum, but I'm optimistic and will remain online for a good time.

      @Cayne that language is not appropriate gentleman.

      @Mr.Laharl I know that that kind of language is allowed, just say it is not very appropriate, nothing more.

      Anyway, I hope to see you again someday mr.fael in the forum even if only to visit

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  13. Doing mugen stuff again [Preview]


    How looks?

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Ryoucchi "Finally dat comic convention stage"

      Indeed, is probably the only place we not have had a battle.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Just had a hardware crash, I really am too desperate for Mugen...

  15. Just had a hardware crash, I really am too desperate for Mugen...

  16. Three deadly words: Back to School

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      it sounds bad and can be boring, but it is vital for our future aspirations and dreams of each one of us.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Do you sxx how changing onx lxttxr can makx such a big diffxrencx in a sxntxncx?

  18. Whoa, people still care about this game: http://ctr4ever.ovh.org/home.php

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      Wow,Dingodile is the favorite in this place. and It does not seem so strange to continue playing this game there are many others still have a high interest. but it is a good game, in my opinion.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. Being a mod can be so stressful, sometimes...

    1. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

      It is absolutely right, but it helps the community to make it a more enjoyable and respectful space for everyone here. : )

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  20. That feel when you think your account may have been compromised.

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