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ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

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About ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

  • Birthday 05/18/1994

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  1. Hello again Everybody, I only come back for say goodbye and some words...


    my time was short as a member, but I'm pleased to be here, I would have liked to be a little more, but it is not possible ...
    I met some very nice people, others less so and some that I would have liked to meet....

    Passing through very difficult moments, but I must thank this comrade, for their support at the time, even I owe my life, but I still have a lot to overcome....

    So goodbye to everyone and have a good time, and enjoy the forum new members,and future and be respectful of others.


    And the girl kimito is better now,even still hurts with that big loss, but will be fine. <: )


    16 years 2000-2016


    I hope that MUGEN last much longer, it's a great engine fight of the old school.and thanks all those who make it possible for it to remain be a great game.


    This crow was beaten in battle.


    Thanks to all. specially the few friends and comrades i made here.


    Daniel Zimmerlenn. (Rokuo Ishida)



    Sorry for the bad english.



    1. Demitri


      so long comrade. I wish you the best of luck.

    2. Cook4251


      -Gives a Solid Snake Style saute-  You were a good soldier. =]

    3. ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)
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