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  1. I don't know I will do this or not. I've made a char edit that intended for beatdown with cheap character (minimal with Rare Akuma), not to be played. I don't know whether I will release them to public or not.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMeilingFan
    3. yaminogun


      not that TGOCN, i'm using classic CN

    4. TheMeilingFan


      Classic CN that uses Uzi? Well, according to Black Kyurem (currently named Wolfslayer Regime in YouTube) in one of his videos:


      I figured since a few other people did a video on Chuck getting defeated, I thought I'd do one. This time Chuck gets insta-killed by a legitimate method unlike other characters who use null methods to win, I decided to use H-Gate_350 since many others tend to use overused characters like Crazy-Catastrophe.

      It still puzzles me how people still claim Chuck as the cheapest character. Don't get me wrong, he is an excellent joke character but doesn't deserve the title as strongest character. If you want to get technical Chuck is no where of this power. Anyways, the method to defeating chuck is a weak state his author put in my accident. The original way to defeat him was by fall instant death, now we use a method of killing by sending him to a null state to change his alive status, its a bit complex to understand but all makes sense if your an author like myself.

      I think It's very difficult to find a video where Uzi-using CN defeated. Most videos use non-Uzi-using CN. If you want Uzi-using CN defated so badly, I can only think this method. Use WinMugen, and use Crazy-Catastrophe/ONI-MIKO-Z-R/S_Sakuya/other %n chars. Btw, another video

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