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  1. I don't know I will do this or not. I've made a char edit that intended for beatdown with cheap character (minimal with Rare Akuma), not to be played. I don't know whether I will release them to public or not.

    1. yaminogun


      if you found the code to KO chuck norris in mugen 1.1 i definitely download that

    2. TheMeilingFan


      Use konsen system. Example, on Holy Kula's 12th palette by smhungary89. Holy Kula could kill CN. The key is in this code

      In enemy's helper code

      [State ]
      type = Projectile
      triggerall = ishelper
      triggerall = root,alive
      triggerall = root,stateno != 120 && root,stateno!=1000666
      trigger1 = root,name = "Chuck_Norris"
      attr = C,HA
      hitflag = MAFD
      projanim = 3102
      projid = 3479643
      projpriority = 7
      projremove = 0
      projremovetime = 30
      projmisstime = 1
      projhits = 1
      projheightbound = -1000000,1000000
      projedgebound = 1000000
      projstagebound = 1000000
      numhits = 0
      postype = p2
      offset = 0,500
      sparkno = -1
      guard.sparkno = -1
      pausetime = 0,2
      p1stateno = 1000666
      supermovetime = 9999999999999
      pausemovetime = 9999999999999
      ignorehitpause = 1
      [State ]
      type = Destroyself
      triggerall = IsHelper
      triggerall = !ishelper(7070707)
      triggerall = root,name = "Chuck_Norris"
      trigger1 = root,stateno = 1000666
      ignorehitpause = 1

      CN's weak state is in 1000666 and 120. From that, with some workaround, CN must be forced to a custom kill state by the attacker. For more info, ask smhungary89 or Black Kyurem.

    3. yaminogun


      i said KO not kill. where's the proof character can KO CN. i tried 12p holy kula but still can't KO CN in mugen 1.0 or above.

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