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About Egnaro

  • Birthday 09/20/1993

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  • Location:
    That Place
  • Interests:
    Watching things unfold for my amusement Staring off into space

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  1. It's days like today that remind me the world is full of faggots. I'm trying to take a shit in a Wal-Mart bathroom and some black guy gets in the stall next to mine.  Whenever I am trying to wipe my ass, I see his face underneath the stall staring at me. 

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Egnaro


       P.much what Ryon said tbh.  Scared the crap out of me and I froze in place which really does not go together with what Alexei said.(although to reiterate I have major depression and anxiety which Alexei sort of knows about) Anyway, I finished as quick as I could and left. The guy looked in 30's so it was not like it was just a little kid that did not know any better. As for kicking him? I guess that is what some people would do, but as I have said you really don't know what people could or would do in return anymore.


    3. Алексей


      That's true. The situation could have gotten worse if you did respond violently. Well at least you're okay from it and have a wacky story to tell friends and acquaintances. :P

    4. OroCrimson


      I think I'd be paranoid going into public restrooms from then on.

      Hell, I already am sort of paranoid every time I go into a public restroom
      Kids in junior high would full on kick down the stall doors while I was in there just to scare the shit out of me
      The locks were damaged and so they didn't really lock the doors very well, more just kept them from opening by themselves.

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