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Status Updates posted by Egnaro

  1. So Goku now how his own song about him... Thx Jaden Smith



  2. I lucked out and found a snes classic at gamestop today! Time to install hakchi and add more games to it.

  3. Well today has been sad/unusual. OJ getting parole and the lead singer of Linkin Park committing suicide...... RIP

  4. LOL the next DB is Android 18 vs Captain Marvel

    1. Gaulbetti


      Why. Are. They. Not. Dead. Yet...


      At the VERY least, she better get destroyed. I hate her. It's Dragon Ball in a crossover battle though against someone who isn't even a anime character. Who are we kidding...

  5. http://gematsu.com/2017/05/star-ocean-till-end-time-ps4-launches-may-23-west


    About damn time....... Now if they would just release SO2 as well....

  6. wow talk about tragic not only did carrie fisher die, but her mother died of a stroke the day after....really sad.

    1. Galvatron


      Man!.... that crazy.. :-(

      I tell ya 2016 has been rough for the famous folks...


      It goes to show ya no matter if you are rich, famous or not no one  can not escape from death.

    2. RicePigeon


      " no one  can not escape from death. "


      Geese Howard intensifies...

  7. Rip Carrie Fisher. I thought she was gonna make it :( They said she was in stabilized condition. Just shows you never know what is going to happen....

    1. Galvatron


      Yeah me too I was hoping she would hanged in their for at least for more years but sadly her illness over took her. :-(

  8. Wow the new Star Ocean game is getting torn apart. I just picked it up and from what I have seen of it, I thought it looked pretty good.(will have to play it tomorow and see) The Last Hope scored better than this game which is kinda funny tbh. That game IMO was a cringe fest piece of shit to get through....

  9. So i'm guessing it was the flu that killed Prince it seems. RIP.....

    1. Galvatron


      That and also he had epilepsy when he was interviewed few years ago... so it could also be the case.

  10. That feel when I was playing Dave Mirra Freestyle Bmx 2 and look up some cheats and find that Dave Mirra is dead.......

  11. Has anyone else tried the new FFXV demo? I am not sure what to think of it really besides it confused the shit out of me ._.. I got a KH/Alice In Wonderland type vibe. Hope the combat is not like that in the final version either where you just hold down the attack button....

  12. So is this Kylo Ren a reimagining  of Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus or what?

    1. Doomguy


      Jacen was a better character. At least he isn't a whiny bitch.

    2. RicePigeon


      The fact that Ren is a short-tempered whiny adolescent makes sense when you think about it. I'd explain it here but I'd rather not spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it yet.

    3. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Recall Anakin Vader

  13. http://gematsu.com/2015/12/final-fantasy-ix-coming-pc-smartphones


    About time this happened. Easily my favorite FF.  I hope there will be mods for it though.... Playable Kuja....(I can dream)

  14. Greymon vs Charizard is next DB? RIP Charizard 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flowering Knight
    3. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Greymon has too many evolution form if they really count it. WarGreymon, Omnimon, VictoryGreymon and ShineGreymon Burst Mode are some of his most powerful form. His original ancestor form - AncientGreymon is a whole different level than any form of modern Greymon, even more powerful than Omnimon.

      But judging by the preview, it is most likely that they gonna use the Adventure version of Greymon, so his max strength will be his Omnimon form, or at least WarGreymon form.

    4. Egnaro


      True^ I have heard some people say they are allowing further evolutions idk though.

      I doubt they would allow Omnimon since MetalGararumon is needed which would mean outside help. If they use Mega Charizard x/y though, i'm sure they will consider it.


  15. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope no one gets trampled  or to death tomorow over frivolous stuff. 

  16. It's days like today that remind me the world is full of faggots. I'm trying to take a shit in a Wal-Mart bathroom and some black guy gets in the stall next to mine.  Whenever I am trying to wipe my ass, I see his face underneath the stall staring at me. 

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Egnaro


       P.much what Ryon said tbh.  Scared the crap out of me and I froze in place which really does not go together with what Alexei said.(although to reiterate I have major depression and anxiety which Alexei sort of knows about) Anyway, I finished as quick as I could and left. The guy looked in 30's so it was not like it was just a little kid that did not know any better. As for kicking him? I guess that is what some people would do, but as I have said you really don't know what people could or would do in return anymore.


    3. Алексей


      That's true. The situation could have gotten worse if you did respond violently. Well at least you're okay from it and have a wacky story to tell friends and acquaintances. :P

    4. OroCrimson


      I think I'd be paranoid going into public restrooms from then on.

      Hell, I already am sort of paranoid every time I go into a public restroom
      Kids in junior high would full on kick down the stall doors while I was in there just to scare the shit out of me
      The locks were damaged and so they didn't really lock the doors very well, more just kept them from opening by themselves.

  17. Anyone else watch the first 4 episodes of Digimon Adventure Tri?

  18. Dat Kuja theme.......

  19. nH6Vide.jpg

    1. Galvatron


      LOL XD

      good one! Man


    2. Gaulbetti


      That's probably because the latter was a terrible idea and didn't need to exist...

  20. No one else is hyped for Twilight Princess HD or Pokemon R/B/Y coming to 3ds virtual console? I hope G/S/C come next though am doubtful

    1. GerudoKing


      Twilight Princess HD, Hyrule Warriors Legend's release date in the us, and Zelda U releasing next year were the ones that grabbed my attention the most.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I always saw TP as the most realistic Zelda game, especially in graphics. That is gonna be gorgeous. Cloud confuses me though.

  21. New Nintendo Direct coming thursday

    1. Galvatron


      Good!   its about time we hear something from Nintendo.

      Hopefully this annoucment will reveal the next DLC characters for SSB4. :-P

    2. GerudoKing


      I wonder if they'll confirm the heavily rumored Twilight Princess HD remake.

    3. SquidlyPoli1


      Sad thing I'm gonna miss it. Last year I missed the first few minutes of the Smash facts.

  22. http://www.siliconera.com/2015/11/03/the-playstation-store-will-carry-the-english-version-of-tomba-2/

    About time... and even better people who purchased it the first time thinking it was the US version will get this version free.

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