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  1. When Undertale was released, it was popular. And yet, like just about every single franchise with non-human characters as if by a mere pure coincidence, it gets legions upon legions of haters. People always say it's the fanbase, and yet people never complain about MGS/KI/RE/FE/etc fans who are often times just as bad, if not worse. As for "always bringing it up." Honestly, I've literally had people try to kill me for telling them I didn't care for any of those franchises that much. Having ponies and Undertale brought up randomly doesn't really bother me that much.

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    2. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      True....but in fanboys are fanboys 

      Thats all I'm saying. 

      @MugoUrth @jenngra505 Good point none the less. :)

    3. Laharl


      this is the one time I will agree with you I honestly love Undertale lol. and its not cause of the animal aspect its just great. The story the idea of how it works I love it. I am Undertale trash

    4. SSBKing65✯


      Every hyped up series is gonna become the center of controversy, due to fans shoving their love for it everywhere.

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