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Status Updates posted by DarkWolf13

  1. I've never been so freaking bored of all summers in my life...!! >_<

  2. this site feels so different from what it used to be.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thebestmlTBM


      Oh, so that's why there's not much update for the MvC2 Projects. :P

      Well I'm sorry to hear that and I understand, and hope you have a better luck with the other project you have so far.

      I know I have. :)

    3. DarkWolf13


      Heheh. Looking good so far. I have like one more fighter for MTFJ before I can release the game to the public but right now I'm focused on getting a few more Digimon my other one. 

      My recent Digimon MUGEN video: 


    4. thebestmlTBM


      Not bad. Digimon is pretty cool and all, but I'm mostly into Pokemon.

  3. It's finally over... MFFA is truly back now!

  4. Good to see MFFA is close to a full recovery. I can finally take a look again at least in most parts.

    1. Galvatron


      Yep!...once RMH gets back we are all good.... :-)

  5. Eric Medalle, Pokemon Creative Design Director



  6. Thank you everyone who wished me a Happy B-day.

    1. SSBKing65✯


      You're welcome DW 13.

  7. Shoutout to NeoGeoKitsune! Happy Birthday, buddy!

  8. So Bayonetta and Corrin are in Smash now. Not that excited about them since I know nothing about the 2 in general. I am looking forward to them in February... if only my hype in that month wasn't towards PxZ2 because I can't afford either DLC fighter since I don't have enough.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Galvatron


      Yeah their is alot FE reps in the game.

      I think maybe Nintendo should make a fighting game chronicles for just Fire Emblem characters. :-P

    3. Raiu


      Corrin is from a game that hasn't even been released in English yet, though it should be released in the US about the same time that Corrin and Bayonetta become available for DL.  He/She is that game's version of Robin, basically.

      I like that he/she can turn into a dragon, though.  It eases the pain of Breath of Fire characters never having a chance.

      As for Bayonetta... kinda surprised that they put Ms. Sexual Innuendo herself into a Nintendo game, and I'm also surprised they let her have pistols after not letting Snake have any.

    4. Galvatron


      @Raiu: indeed... even though FE: Fates been out in japan but its pretty new else where, and its only been around 6 months ago since it was released making it still a new fresh game in the series which i personally think they should had kept Corrin for the next SSB like the Inklings from Splatoon. :-P

  9. Hey, Boss, what's going on here? I can't seem to see what others are saying. I have to HL to see the text.

    1. Ryon


      there is a issue with the Devient Theme, That happens almost all the time when I update the forum software, Alexei is the only one that can fix it.

  10. Happy Birthday to my pal, Galvatron!

    1. Galvatron


      Thanks  Darkwolf13. :-)



  11. ...Worthless fool...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      whats with all the hate people lol

    3. DarkWolf13


      Uh.... this was a Smash ref I was doing... this was one of male Robin's KO sounds.

    4. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ
  12. Man! I'm so HYPED for the ballot results tomorrow! Can't wait!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DarkWolf13


      I want Wolf, Shantae and Shovel Knight.

    3. Galvatron


      I say Wolf is going to be number one more likely to jump in.

    4. SSBKing65✯


      I hope K.Rool makes it in, we're gettin close.

  13. Just cried my heart out after seeing the picture of my grandfather's final resting place... It's already 6 months since he passed from Alzheimer's....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Batros
    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      Remember, it's always OK to cry.

    4. Galvatron


      Im sorry for your lost. :-(

  14. Chrom & Lucina are in Project X Zone 2!!!! Fiora from Xenoblade Chronicles is paired with KOS-MOS!!! This is so exciting since we have Nintendo chars joining the PxZ fray!

    1. Galvatron


      I just saw the trailer and some game plays. That just freaking awesome! man! :-D


  15. Tried Windows 10 on my sis' my laptop for the night to play MUGEN...  I LOVE IT!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Cayne


      Come on man, lets just agree to having a difference in opinion. I'd hate to see someone on a mugen forum claim they don't have a sense of humor.

    3. Doomguy


      Just because I don't kid doesn't mean I have a sense of humor.

    4. Cayne


      Oblivious to typo's lol

  16. What happened to the Marvel vs Capcom series thread!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laharl


      I have no arguments about you remaking it. I am sure you could do it justice dark.

    3. RicePigeon


      We lost the license to host the collection, so we lost the ability to update it. As such, the only characters that are on there now are Galactus and 3 Vergils. :p

    4. gui0007


      I'll remade them at the time, will spend A LOT of time to remade the collection.:confuse:

  17. Starting to feel discouraged and lost some motivation in the project...

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Don't lose your motivation DW13, you should be proud of what you've done and contributed to the community. You took an idea and made it into reality, never lose hope of your true goals as an author. Believe in yourself and look back on all the great things you've done for the Mugen community and all the conversions & fixes you did. I forgot to tell you how much I liked your BBH, I even made a little video about it.

  18. Sheesh, this new change to the site has made it difficult for me to update my thread with the .gifs

  19. It looks I may have to disappear again because of the f**king cable company with their shitty internet. I've had it and I'm losing my cool here! For those who like my project, it's not dead but very delayed because of internet trouble! Till this problem is fixed, I'm gone and continue with the chars I downloaded to convert before the trouble.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarkWolf13


      Well it appears my internet is suddenly wrking fine but I don';t trust the way it behaves.

    3. Ryon


      can you work on them while being offline? then when your online suprise us with your progress?

    4. DarkWolf13


      I suppose so, Boss...

  20. It appears I'm having major problems with my internet again! Un-f**king-believable! There'll be a delay in my releases in my conversion thread whenever I convert fighters. Please bear with me though.

  21. It appears I'm having major problems with my internet again! Un-f**king-believable! There'll be a delay in my releases in my conversion thread whenever I convert fighters. Please bear with me though.

  22. It appears I'm having major problems with my internet again! Un-f**king-believable! There'll be a delay in my releases in my conversion thread whenever I convert fighters. Please bear with me though.

  23. Well. I'm back home... finally... yeah... away from my brother... *sigh* :(

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