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About RAMza

  • Birthday 10/23/1986

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  1. Why is everything nowadays has DLC... pft.. what happend to the good ol days when you can play the whole game without having to pay another feee for extra content.. >_

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      i'm not a fan of DLC myself; it kreates isolation/peer pressure. you either get the content so you can keep playin' with your buds, or you don't/can't, & hafta either deal with holdin' e'ry1 else back for you to play with them cuz you don't have those xtra options/maps, etc, & hear them troll you about it, or watch from the outside your homies off playin' the new shit, while you're stuck where you be. shit ain't right.

    3. Yumaki


      Ok I will admit, for certain games I might spend a little extra..but i dont like it

    4. TheYukiKonata


      DLC was originally supposed 2 be a trick to keep the value on games 2 last longer, then it eventually got out of hand by people coughcapcomcough not finishing the game so they can use DLC for money. Dlc is only worth it for 2 reasons. 1 for extra content in an RPG or for achievements

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