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Status Updates posted by von_doom20

  1. I wonder how this whole Obito being Tobi thing will be explained. Naruto is reaching its climax

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laharl


      i have never wanted a new naruto chapter ever more than i do now.

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      After beating Pain....That could have been the perfect last battle....

    4. von_doom20


      Yeah its getting tiring now. Its time for a new chapter, new villains, maybe & new version of Akatsuki?

  2. BASEDGOD!!!



      Bitch what the fuck, i'm Kris humpries! - Lil b

    2. von_doom20


      Im damn-near young Hugh Hefner, bitch suck my dick with the lights on - Lil B

  3. Who's your favorite anime psychopath? Mine are Mugen (Samurai Champloo), Vicious (Cowboy Bebop), Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) & Hidan (Naruto)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      Takamura from "Hajime no Ippo", Kenpachi & Gin from "Bleach" [that eerie phukkin' smile, ugggh], the Twin from "Monster", Izaya from "Durarara". there was also some1 from "Robin The Witch Hunter", but i'm blankin' out right now.

    3. Yagami Brando

      Yagami Brando

      Mine are Creed Diskenth (from "Black Cat") - he sometimes acts as gay, but still has badass personality and charisma, and Hazama/Terumi from Blazblue. Also Dio Brando(Jojo) and Jedah (Darkstalkers) are badass psychos of course :)

    4. von_doom20


      Good choices, the psycho chars are what make the anime interesting to me

  4. Was at work from 10 am to 3 am

  5. New Deadman Wonderland tonight!

    1. RippleRollerDa


      Deadman was a sick series.

      I'd like a few more episodes, the ending wasn't the greatest.

      I loved seeing that Monk get what was coming to him.

    2. ArtistofLegacy


      There will be more episodes, it's just that it was put on hiatus for now.

  6. Black Ops 2 pre ordered

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. von_doom20


      Exactly my friend

    3. DELETED


      Friends make games better.

    4. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      "Friends make games better." So true...

  7. Some anime shows are better with their original Japanese voice actors & English subs

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Laharl


      most dubs are great yeesh you guys are to picky lol.

    3. von_doom20


      Lol im just sayin I prefer the japanese actors for Naruto but most are good tho

    4. ShiroTori


      Desert Punk and Full Metal Alchemist's dubs are better IMO.

  8. Do torrents usually take a while to download?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. von_doom20


      DJ SWB presents The Godfathers, starring Hovito (Jay-z), Frank White

      (Biggie) and Esco (Nas)it basically has all of their songs mixed & mashed up.

    3. Laharl


      yeah no seeders you are out of luck.

    4. von_doom20


      Great :/ i'll try other torrent sites

  9. Ok I know im late as hell but BULLETSTORM IS EPIC!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryon


      I think Bulletstorm was ok, but then agian i'm not a FPS person...

    3. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      neither am i really, but i gotta say, just from watchin' my boi play it, it's pretty kick-ass.

    4. von_doom20


      The voice acting is funny as hell too & I think the lead char has the same voice actor as Spike from Cowboy Bebop

  10. Zombies are real 0_o

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DBScourge


      Bring out the RE strategy guides!

    3. DELETED


      It's cannibalism... Things like this happened for thousand years and they see them now.

    4. DBScourge


      Cannibalism's mostly for survival(except for Hannibal)

      These were drug/virus induced

  11. Sniper Elite is LEGIT!!!!

  12. Just updated the link to the completed version of Voltage Zero guys

  13. What is the best program to use to record mugen fights?

  14. Treyarch, Rockstar, & Valve make the best games EVER! I wanna see a Left 4 Dead 3 *fingers crossed*

  15. I got robbed earlier -___- I fuckin hate this city

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      sorry that shit happen'd to you bruh. i know that feelin' all too well.

    3. DELETED


      My IPhone 4S was stolen today! :D

    4. von_doom20


      @Alpyne its sucks like a pornstar bro.

      @Shinigami you dont seem upset at all lol

  16. I love Latin women ;)

  17. Laying here watching Full Metal Alchemist

    1. C.R.O.M.verydannyboy


      i'll raise your alchemist and put down full metal jacket lol

    2. von_doom20
  18. I cant wait for Dcat to finish & release Krang.He looks so bitchin!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. von_doom20


      Yeah me too & I know his shredder is gonna be boss

    3. Yagami Brando

      Yagami Brando

      That's for sure. Still, his long absence make me worry :(

    4. Laharl


      hes done this before he will come back as always. he leaves for a long period of time then comes back its his thing for some reason.

  19. Heyyyyyyy Aqualung!

  20. Man G-Tester Lite looks amazing. Cant wait for the release.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DELETED


      But, pjm told me he doesn't know if he should release him.

    3. von_doom20


      Why not? Why work so hard on a char & show him off just & not share his creation? I never got why people did that. Reminds me of Ralord with manifest Goenitz.

    4. von_doom20


      Why not? Why work so hard on a char & show him off just & not share his creation? I never got why people did that. Reminds me of Ralord with manifest Goenitz.

  21. In a strange way, MFFA sorta feels like a family. I mean im still relatively new here but I see how you guys treat each other & everybody seems really close & cool.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. von_doom20


      Lmao straight like that? Damn bro

    3. C.R.O.M.verydannyboy


      stop with the hate crimes lol

    4. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      phuuuuuuukk you nigcka! lol

  22. Insomnia :-/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. O  R I O N

      O R I O N

      hey zombiebrock here is a link to the avengers:

    3. von_doom20


      I was up trying to unlock chars on SOR Remake & avoiding people who were trying to tell me parts in Avengers.

    4. von_doom20


      I was up trying to unlock chars on SOR Remake & avoiding people who were trying to tell me parts in Avengers.

  23. I would like to see Streets Of Rage X Final Fight! Like Mr. X & his Syndicate team up with the Mad Gear Gang & the Skull Cross Gang & the heroes from both games team up to stop them from total domination!

  24. SOR Remake is EPIC!!! I cant stop playing it! By X-Box is getting no love right now lol

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