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Status Replies posted by DartzPie

  1. I see... I see. Interesting.

  2. Know it´s a mostly "Retro" preference but still wonder, reasons to why all newer chars are still made to just display correctly at under 640x480 (even high end 1.1 only+32bits ones like Blazblue)


    1. DartzPie


      yeah even changed with localcoord they still have that custom power bar that covers center the screen....

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Trying to make my version of a stage from Nitroplus. [PREVIEW]



    1. DartzPie


      Someone is working with there mugen creativity bones,  <3 ;D 

      ubetterfinishitthistime :<

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Capture him alive or alive. 

  5. To anyone getting the logout bug: does it direct you to http://mugenfreeforall.com or  http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php ?

    1. DartzPie





      in serious note the left opens a tab and logs me out if i click it. while this one /index.php opens on current tab without logging me off.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm in the mood for pizza...

    1. DartzPie


      With stuff crust?

      and side of garlic bread.... 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Anyone here uses Discord? Just looking for someone to chat with on group of whatever.

  8. Can i be a mod? I´ll be good~


    *viper tongue*

    1. DartzPie


      I would like to be purple >w<

      Cruz Moderator for 2012


      what i got the wrong Year!?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Can i milk those?

    1. DartzPie


      Uhh no thats a wall :) 

      u cant milk walls.

  10. i almost forgot how to make a sff. this should be an interesting process.............

  11. Someone is making a Ramlethal, nice.


    Well they uploaded her but all she has is a taunt, so no point making a release thread.



    1. DartzPie


      the author should of waited to april fools if yah get me ;3 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. RE7 put me to sleep

    1. DartzPie


      It shouldnt have been the 7th of the series >.>

      it could of been another like Resident Evil 2017.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Well guys, i'm going to follow Duckss example and go nest at guild.

    It will be until this month ends. I've seen my fair share of people who are too busy with real life to see where this is going.

    That's all, see you all one day.

  14. Working on a stage from Megadimension Neptunia VII [CLICK].


    Just need some basic animations but the PSD is kinda done.


    1. DartzPie


      looks super, gonna animate the cracked sky area's? (Iforgotiftheywhereanimatedalready...)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. @DartzPie Megadiension Neptunia was released at Steam so if you can: tell me when the Graphics are uploaded to Spriters Resource to Mugen some crap.

  16. Today´s steam summer sale was awesome!  Got many games to play.



    Garry´s Mod.

    HD Neptunia U

    HD Neptunia Rebirth1

    HD Neptunia Rebirth2

    Metal Gear Rising.

    Fairy Fencer F


    Gifts from Friends at Twitter:

    HD Neptunia Rebirth3


    Saint Seiya: Soldier´s Soul.

    Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae,

    Dead Island.

    ^All with full DLCs


    My gaming gona be really busy these weeks~





  17. Today´s steam summer sale was awesome!  Got many games to play.



    Garry´s Mod.

    HD Neptunia U

    HD Neptunia Rebirth1

    HD Neptunia Rebirth2

    Metal Gear Rising.

    Fairy Fencer F


    Gifts from Friends at Twitter:

    HD Neptunia Rebirth3


    Saint Seiya: Soldier´s Soul.

    Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae,

    Dead Island.

    ^All with full DLCs


    My gaming gona be really busy these weeks~





    1. DartzPie



      thats a lot of games 

      but didnt you already have Neptunia U and Rebirth 1? :o 

       lucky u got dead island

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. I really want to thank everyone who wished me Happy B-Day!
    You guys are too kind! :ReallyTruly:

  19. Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday!

    It was decent for the 60 I had to spend on it.

    1. DartzPie


      Happy Birthday doom

  20. What were waiting for

    a new day.





    idk so nsfw? i guess idk

    1. DartzPie


      Sword Art Online Lost Song Ps vita version 

      online lobby 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. It appears I am being followed.

    1. DartzPie


      We must find you candy and chocolate to lure the enemy out. :O

  22. Happy Birthday! partner in crime! Wanna hug?

    1. DartzPie


      Nothing much, just been spriting and zoning out to space often, you know the usual. :)



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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