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Status Updates posted by DartzPie

  1. I see... I see. Interesting.

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Is this a mirage? Is it actually you? 😮

    2. DartzPie


      Im just hollow shell of my former self. but aloha its I.

    3. DXfactory


      Its nice to see you're still around Dartz.

  2. SAO Season 3 :D

    1. DuckMannnn


      Still waiting for JJBA season 5

    2. Xiristatos


      So do I, DuckMannnn. I, Xiristatos, am waiting anxiously for my husbando King Crimson to finally enter the Anime spectrum for once!

  3. Only genetics can tell what happens next. 



    But eh still bored.

  4. What is there to do when things go bland and dark. Says the text~ 


    Computer eat tree's. /o/

  5. Merry late christmas greeting to mffa \o/

  6. Capture him alive or alive. 

  7. twas was the mid dead space night

  8. Oh warm and cozy blanket >w<

    so so so warm.

  9. i keep getting logged out :( 


  10. may be late but, 

    WB. Mffa o/ 

    remember to lock the back door :P

  11. "Choose your Envoy of HOPE!!" neat engrish accent tone ^_^

  12. Being stuck on a project sure takes its toll...

    1. Xenocard


      I know how that feels. It sure does suck.

  13. yay gundam vs finally comming to system \o/



  14. GO Team Whale :D


  15. Now we can walk to another day.

  16. ahh shitaki!!



    free judo lesson number 5.

  17. chat room down.... and whats viglink? monetizing?

    1. Solarflared


      If it's anything like on the database, it's so that people can focus on Mugen Archive links.

    2. Ryon


      what no..

      chat is dead temp. viglink is me trying something else to earn us money

  18. Resident Evil 7.........

  19. Counting Sheep for Gundams.... :goodnight:

  20. Oh happy birthday vector

  21. Sacriced a door and you get a matt... hmm not the best decision...

  22. Hoooot Pockets!

    get off of my thoughts!! words! x( 

  23. Time to raise our flag.

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