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About Demitri

  • Birthday 09/07/1994

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  1. Honestly tired of hearing about my people getting killed by the police.

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      Because even if you do everything in your power to dispose of any possible guns available in a country, the criminals will always find a way to smuggle them in. I would rather the police force be prepared to take down a gun-toting criminal than come in empty-handed and be expected to take down a criminal with more firepower than them. On the other side, however, I do have to admit that many on the police force are far too trigger-happy for their own good and quite shady(Body cams "mysteriously" shutting off during some incident? Huh, guess they're not as reliable as they should be...), but, again, no matter what you do, there will always be bad apples. Training them not to do that will do them no good, but removing their access to firearms will also do no good. If you want examples of this, take a look at the crime rates in countries where guns aren't allowed...

    3. Алексей


      What I'd like to know is why at the mention of a gun they feel they have the authorization to kill. This is just bullshit. The only slightly positive thing (and I use this very sparingly) about this is that more and more are recording them to show and raise awareness of the shitty cops out there doing these things. Whatever happened to just talking it out or using non-lethal force. The simple mention of a gun shouldn't be enough to allow for such an action. It's almost as if they've never had any real-world experience on the police force at all... or that they're just racist and taking the words of others, mixing it with their own headcanon and using it as justification to commit such horrifying acts. Yeah, probably the latter. My friend found a forum of cops that were nothing but racist posts about how their actions are justified. It's fucking disgusting.

    4. Doomguy


      There are solutions for these kinds of things, but they require the funding of high powered, non-lethal ammunition. Or simply make it more difficult for these types of people to become Police Officers. Taking away all the guns will only make the criminals AND the government win, and will do nothing to aid public safety.

      On a side note, I don't think selfish dickheads should play any part in Protecting or Governing this nation. They only lead it into Chaos, and if you look around, you will see that they do.

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