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Status Updates posted by Darkflare

  1. I think it's time for a life lesson.


    If you're going to ask for something, you better be prepared and willing to pay a price for it.


    Nothing in life is ever free after all.

    1. GTAguy
    2. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      But what if you're broke? 🤔

    3. GTAguy


      Then you're screwed.

  2. There are two types of people in the world:

    1. The kind that say that Murakumo's walk forward animation is the best walking animation ever made.

    2. The kind that have never seen Murakumo's walk forward animation.


  3. Let's do some mental gymnastics. I'm curious to see what logic is used for this one.


    You're in a three way FFA duel. Your analysis has found that your tactics are very effective against Opponent A but you struggle against Opponent B. You also found that incidentally A's tactics can counter B's. In other words, this three way duel is pretty much a game of RPS. With this knowledge in mind, what do you believe would be the optimum way to come out on top?

    1. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Start an infight.

      Lure Opponent A into Opponent B's attacks, making it look like B deliberately attacked A, which will goad A to retaliate against B. While they are fighting between each other, sneak attack on B to decommission them, then finish A off. All is fair in war.

    2. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      I'd just use LightFlare Cannon...

  4. Received an E-mail from Photobucket telling me I could have it be restricted if I didn't manage it because it was over the storage limit.


    I did the reasonable thing and deleted every single image I ever had in that account.


    A shame they went too greedy with their decisions. 

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Good thing I snagged those old palette submissions beforehand then.


      And yeah, both Photobucket and ImageShack went south. Can't wait for Imgur to see this as an opportunity to do the same, lol.

    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      I doubt Imgur would go south. I pretty much expect Imgur to go north.

    3. Darkflare


      I thought I had those palletes in Imgur.


      Speaking of, I really hope Imgur doesn't pull the same stunt as well. That plan failed for Photobucket because there were alternatives to image hosting. See, this is why competition is important.

  5. I keep thinking about Shinra's Marilyn Sue and how she was overloaded with mechanics including ones that screw her over and I'm wondering when are we going to see a character overloaded with mechanics that exclusively benefit the character.



    Well, I suppose Yutoharu's Miku is the closest thing.

    1. Ori-Ori


      And Geros's Mami.

  6. Mankind knew that they cannot change society.


    So instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the Beasts.





  7. - Upload Mugen video

    - Thumbnail removed because "sex and nudity"

    - Appeal that shit because you would have to be blind to seriously believe that.

    - Appeal successful and thumbnail restored

    - Thumbnail removed again for same exact reason.




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkflare


      You would think it would whitelist or do something to ignore it and not get picked up again, but no, within an hour and without me touching anything, it gets triggered for the same thing I just appealed.


      Not even mad, I'm impressed at how they forgot some common sense regarding appeals 

    3. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Yeah, this does happen when a domain is halfly automotized, bot moderations and such.

    4. Toasted Milque

      Toasted Milque

      Sounds like Youtube to me, it's like the bots that moderate the site haven't been updated(for the better anyway).

  8. Friendship ended with PotS style.

    Now OMSBY style is my best friend.

    1. Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      OHMSBY Style is my waifu lol.

    2. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      I feel bad for OHMSBY because he tried to distinguish himself from the rest at MFG and now he accidentally started a bandwagon that he never intended.

    3. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      And now I get the sudden feeling that the OMSBY style would become the most overused style in MUGEN, even more then PotS style...but only time will tell

  9. On the subject of Smash Ultimate, I just found out that while you can no longer bypass the 10 minute cooldown by resetting the game, you CAN bypass it by changing the language.


    That would have been nice to know earlier.

    1. sonikun


      Oh, you can't bypass the 10 minute cooldown by resetting the game anymore? Good thing I've already abused the hell out of it before the patch then 

    2. Darkflare


      It was on the day 1 patch. But the bypass for changing the language is still there. Got to hit those hidden smash input requirements first though.

  10. Smash Ultimate has all of the SF2 themes and even the CPS1 variants of the characters that appeared in Super.


    Except Akuma's.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PlasmoidThunder
    3. Noside


      SSBU is an epic win just by the fact that has characters from different franchises than any other fighting game.

    4. A person

      A person

      It doesn't have his theme, but it does have his appearance.


    Me in a nutshell

  12. Now that we're back, I can finally ask. Who's the prankster that keeps adding unrelated videos to the Mugen video playlist?



    Because you're not funny.

  13. *Sits in front of a table with a small birthday cake with a lit candle in it while a music box plays "Happy Birthday"*

    1. Demitri


      I guess im late but happy bday mane

  14. tumblr_pd9jy9LG2z1qkvbwso1_500.png

    In a galaxy far far away...



    Been a while, since I've posted these, but the place I get them from, loops them so they tend to repeat.

    1. Astolfo2001


      So, are we technically all.....


  15. Damn, even Wario can draw better than I can


    1. Gaulbetti




      You wouldn't draw Smash 4 stuff.

    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      Still better then the portraits in Brawl Minus

    3. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Not as impressive as the badly drawn style of our favorite mean and bad kitty cat, Garfielf



  16. Yang Install isn't going to get old or anything.

    1. sonikun


      We totally won't be hearing the install theme 1,000 times or anything. Nope, totally not

    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Is really that good?

    3. Darkflare


      Yang Install auto triggers when she gets to low health so if you start maining her, you will be hearing it A LOT.

  17. Daisy confirmed as a Peach clone echo fighter.

    Ridley no longer too big to be playable.

    Bomberman is an assist trophy.

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      In other news:



    2. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      Yeah no shit. Ridley's down special is just SO BRUTAL to look at!

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Since Brawl, I wanted Daisy to be in Smash Bros, & Sakurai did it!! It's like seeing Rachel or Zangya show up, I screamed so hype when I saw her! Gosh this game is a big shock fest.

  18. So every once in a while, some of the guys DL and show off some of the characters made for Mugen recently. What really bugs me the most is when shoddy creations get nothing but praise especially from authors that have been making characters for a long time and still haven't learned a thing. Not that they're ever given a reason to improve as they still get praised for it.


    I think we need more people willing to rip apart a character without thinking too much on what others think.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Betalille


      A little praise can sometimes be great for creators as it can boost their confidence and (sometimes) push them to work even harder.


      Also, I agree with the fact that more feedback here and there would help a lot of people to improve (including me), but it is less and less easy to find creators who have the time and who are also willing to dig deeper into the gameplay of new characters to make a full and complete feedback.


      However, I also believe that most feedbacks are also mostly given to "reknown" creators as they usually are famous for their good work, therefore what they make attracts more people. As we often see weird creations, palette swaps or badly edited characters, I believe (and understand) that it can discourage people to actually make a feedback because of how "crappy" some edits can be. Also, sometimes people's attitude can be a little... aggressive when criticized. But then, what is the point of making a feedback if they're not going to listen to you anyways ?

      That's also why I believe some creators have given up on giving feedback to just anybody because of how it could be a waste of time.

    3. RicePigeon


      While I do agree with Darkflare's original post, I'm going to ask everyone on both sides to be more civil about this.

    4. Gaulbetti


      No problem. I'm happy.


  20. tumblr_p7uuxlAbXT1qkvbwso1_400.png

    Unless you hate music, then you can stay miserable.

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      Yea better cut funding for that first.

  21. tsIocSY.jpg


    Your jokes are bad and you should feel bad.

    1. Cook4251


      That's a whole lotta money for bad jokes!

    2. Darkflare


      Trust me, you're not the only one around that does bad jokes.

    3. Cook4251



  22. tumblr_p7clzcppTt1qkvbwso1_400.png

    I bet if the internet existed back then, there would have been news.

  23. tumblr_p73dlbcTge1qkvbwso1_400.png

    Well that sucks

    1. Gaulbetti


      April is the worst month and worst name easily.

  24. tumblr_p6xqk312I21qkvbwso1_400.png

    It also helps if you actually know how to cook properly YOU DONKEY.

    1. RicePigeon


      6.) how to actually spell Gordan Ramsay's name

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