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About rockocalypse

  • Birthday 08/03/1997

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    Always behind door number 2,
  • Interests:
    Figuring out what's behind those other doors.

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  1. I found that cockroach again. He was crawling on m stove. I decided not to confront him. I ran. Very fast.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rockocalypse


      you've had a hard life. How'd the cockroach get all the way up to your lip though? Did it fly?

    3. Werewood


      I was taking an afternoon nap in a local park after playing soccer ball, when it was enjoying its biological moment on my lips, it woke me up. I didn't know how it got up to my lips...I also forgot how I got rid of it...

    4. ShiniGami NoMeresu

      ShiniGami NoMeresu

      @Bore Biological moment


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