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  1. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Lord Batros in PALS BY ZOMBIEBROCK   
    Hazama By Devilpp
    Vampire,Sketched,Smooth Criminal,Rude Boy,Jetz,Jack Nicholson Joker ,Alucard(Hellsing).Fakor,1980 & a Bonus , Lilly ( My 4 y/o Daughter ) designed pall*she chose the colors*

  2. Upvote
    Winmugen11 got a reaction from DJ HANNIBALROYCE in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    Obviously the M.U.G.E.N. Multiverse since that's where he comes from anyway.
    Totally agree with your point of no matter how good a character looks, if it's gameplay is crap, it's a bad character. Gameplay above graphics, same goes with videogames. Even though I'll admit that CvS Link looks good, I greatly doubt it will be better than the one you poured so much time and effort into, Jonamite.
  3. Upvote
    Winmugen11 got a reaction from Moneyspider_Todd in Infinite R.Mika   
    Dear Banana Lord, just wait until Moneyspider_Todd sees this!
    Much appreciated Joe! ^^
  4. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to RicePigeon in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss such feedback. HOWEVER, considering that it's Ax who's giving this feedback, who can't/won't address the glaring issues in his characters, his feedback holds about as much weight as the "Nice Char +1" comments that he's so used to/trying to fish for, and the way he presented this feedback proves this, of which I will now proceed to tear apart piece by piece:
    Creative != Successful. Cases in point: Ed Wood and Uwe Boll
    Nowhere in this statement (or the rest of your post for that matter) do you explain WHY the character is bland. You don't cite specific examples, nor do you provide any form of what could possibly be done to address the issue that could even remotely be called feedback. It gives off the impression that you truly have no idea what you're talking about.
    Pot meet Kettle. As far as I'm concerned, you have no right to be hurling around "good" feedback when you can't/won't even fix the glaring issues in your own works.
    ^ This... So much this.
    You're basing the "superior" overall quality of an unreleased character on a 2-frame idle stance? Yeah, no... This "feedback" just smacks of ego and only further solidifies my belief that you're intentionally trying to troll this community AS YOU HAVE DONE TWICE IN THE PAST. Spamming Neo-Nazi Propaganda? Damning an entire Mugen forum to hell in the name of Christ for "worshiping false idols"? Do either of these incidents ring a bell to you? Because THEY SHOULD. And I will be more than happy to provide examples of your post history from guild not only to refresh your memory, but also to further back up all three of the above claims, something that you are unable/unwilling to do with your "feedback". And before anyone claims that I'm posting something irrelevant that's offtopic, allow me to explain WHY this is relevant, and why I believe that this entire thing is a thinly veiled attempt at trolling on your part:
    The overall quality of your works have DIMINISHED with each successive release. I find it highly unlikely that someone would actually get worse over time unless they were doing it intentionally. Releasing 5 characters in the time span of less than 2 weeks, with at least one of them being a spriteswap of another, all of them 3-4 days apart from each other. I would expect this kind of behavior from a clueless second-rate creator like PGRSMagen, JoshGeary, or even WlanmaniaX, to be frank. When confronted with feedback showing just how bad your releases are, you retort with snide and sarcastic remarks that smack of ego, both here and on MMV, including the remarks about Link that I posted earlier.
  5. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Darkflare in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    I really want to. Like...I really really want to blow up on Ax, because never have I seen someone more deserving of being called a shithead than Ax.

    But Ryon has been telling me to tone it down. Way too much heat right now for a (rightfully justified) blow out.

    You wouldn't know good feedback if it slapped you in the face multiple times and was right next to you every waking moment of your life.
  6. Upvote
    Winmugen11 got a reaction from Remzy in Does this Exist whos the author of this creation   
    Dude I understand if you're getting a tad frustrated because you still don't have the Dragon Ken you're looking for but regardless that last part was very uncalled for. Keep in mind that all these people have no obligation what so ever to help you out so if they do, you should at least thank them for their effort.
    About that Dragon Ken you seek, I'm sure you'll get it (or not,  as not all quests end with a reward) someday. If I had him, I'd give it to you, but I don't.
  7. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to NapoleonJonamite in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    My anger is fully justifiable. I work my ass off all those months just to make him actually playable, and you shit on him by saying he's bland, uncreative, and too safe. I'd like to see you do better when your latest works include Son Son with a Donkey Kong head, a badly designed Fox McCloud, and a Mario that's basically a head swap of Warner's old Luigi. Neither of them had good gameplay.
    So it's going to replace mine because it simply looks better? That's what you're saying? Goddamn you're foolish. It can look better all it wants, it's still going to lose in gameplay.

    All I really kept from the original reworking by KBN was the super powering of the arrows. Most everything else was something added or retooled, and they worked with the type of Link I was shooting for, and the fact that my Link has been downloaded at least 1500 times (My new host tracks the download count) says it's a bland pile of needing to be replaced? Obviously you're the right guy to talk to when your stuff can't play for shit.

    Again, coding has been my thing, not spriting or animating. If the character interests artists, they provide help because they know how to do this stuff beyond a copy/paste like you showed me. The retouch looks way better than what you did in the beginning, and this other version that will "replace" mine will look good, but could play like ass.

    When working with a character that has been around for a long time, you will see that they will always have everything basically be the same. Not always does the "being creative" thing work. Imagine giving Ryu from Street Fighter a sword. Creative? Yes. Fitting? Hell the fuck no. Moves will always be the same, gameplay formats will be different, but the overall character will always be the same. Take that as you will, or won't as your recent history has shown.

    If you aren't going to be helpful, like you aren't by slamming an actual move from an actual fighting game appearance, then quit talking and go back to releasing garbage that no-one wants to retouch.
  8. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to NapoleonJonamite in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    Okay, now you're just proving my point of how you're an ungrateful asshole. The only other Links available on the download market are ranging between crap and meh. I worked my butt off to make the best possible Link available using your sprites, and gaining a few edits from aperson98, and you have the nerve to say that it's a terrible character because of ONE move? PoshPsylocke didn't mind if I used his versions of the cast of Sailor Moon, and he never complained if I changed something to work better than what he did.
    I gave you a freaking chance when I wanted to pick up Link, but you didn't want to provide ANYTHING I was requesting when I needed sprites or animations. You sprited him, you could have done a few expansions based on an author's request, and you basically told me to either do it myself or fuck off. I now have a guy redoing your sprites to make your original versions look more accurate to his usual design and have a better appearance overall, and it's because of an aesthetic complaint. You seem to be the only one complaining about his gameplay.
    You know what? Fuck it. If this is what I'm to expect from spriters that create shit releases, I'm not even going to bother with making any more characters. I may not be the best coder, but at least people bothered to try my stuff and actually enjoy it. Delete the best possible version of Link available if you want, but you're doing yourself a disservice by thinking the next one to come around will be better.
  9. Upvote
    Winmugen11 got a reaction from ShiroTori in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    In all seriousness, I would let this topic die since there is no point in argueing anymore with Ax about anything. He has talent for stages but not for characters so just stop bashing on his characters and viewpoints.

    I do want to say this : I find it incredibly rude to disregard all the effort and time Jonamite put into YOUR Link by saying there will be a better version of Link which will cause people to delete Jonamite's version.
  10. Upvote
    Winmugen11 got a reaction from 柊 明 in Stages request   
    Have at you, Akira : http://www.mediafire.com/download/cq2ben7le0cpu4t/USFIV_[ME]_Stage_Pack.7z
  11. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to NapoleonJonamite in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    Okay, I have a few things to say here. First, I'm not sure if I should feel appreciated or insulted based on these statements. Second, there's always going to be a difference of opinion, don't let that be the reason to use crappy templates for your works (If you can even call them that). Third, the statements you made regarding collabs shows that you have almost no flexibility, meaning you have a strict vision and don't want to adjust to ideas someone may have to improve upon the initial concept.
    I worked my rear end off to try and make the mess of a release you had with Link more playable (Yes, there were times I got too busy to work on him, but I was still able to work on him), and what you just said makes you sound ungrateful and unappreciative of the fact that someone took an interest in adapting your sprites to a different playstyle or changed things to make them work for a better purpose (Such as my removing of the fighting capability of Link on the leaf, and instead using it for an intro). It makes me feel like I made a mistake in wanting to redo Link.
    Quality work takes time to produce, and sadly you're releasing stuff in a manner that "rushed" feels too nice of a word. I take pride in my work, and it has shown in the fact that people are taking a genuine interest in what I do. What you have here, you're showing that you don't care, and only a small few would actually want them.
  12. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Werewood in Wholly Molly ~~~ Duel Toys 2!   
    To some of you, Duel Toys 2 sounds old, yet to me it is totally new!
    This is a big-time fighting game scramble dream-matches of fighters in almost all popular fighting games in existence:

    More screenshots:

    According to the manufacturer of this unique fighting game => "This game is just the realization of an utopic game that might never happen, a fighting game that gathers all of the characters that made such an impact on the gaming scene and puts them in one game."
    I think the Duel Toys 2 manufacturer really wants to build his own version of MUGEN-wannabe.
    The Duel Toys 2 manufacturer web site:  http://dueltoys.blogspot.com/
           * downloadable dueltoys2.zip on the http://dueltoys.blogspot.com/2010/03/download.html page
  13. Upvote
    Winmugen11 got a reaction from LansingWolverine in Wholly Molly ~~~ Sesame Street Fighter!   
    The game keeps freezing everytime I am about to land the final blow >-<
    Aside from that it's funny and a good way to practice typing in an entertaining way. Good find, Borewood!
  14. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Lord Batros in Pallet Swap Comic Chars By zombieBrock,Vamiro83,Thrillio & Ryoucchi,Carpa5   
    Release #9  Katana From Batman The Brave & The Bold  ZombieBrock - Pals Ryoucchi - Port Thrillio - SND   http://www.mediafire.com/download/cf70fssi0kdccqj/Katana.zip   Just The Pals for Shimo     http://www.mediafire.com/download/70hjd8jpet9zrbj/KatanaB&TB.rar
  15. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Lord Batros in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    once again a 3 page list of arguing ................Why?  does it even matter anymore, Ax can/will release whatever he wants & do it how ever he wants & no amount of "complaining" about it is going to change it , so just don't anymore , its pointless & now all of u are arguing with each other for nothing , nothing at all , its not going to change any of this, news flash opinions are like Assholes , We All have one, ya like what ya like , u don't what u don't, Shits just pointless 
  16. Upvote
    Winmugen11 got a reaction from Thrillo in Taskmaster by Rojin70 released 3/3/14   
    Going more on-topic now, and providing some free advertisement, here are more palettes for Taskmaster :
    Taskmaster Palette Set 2 by Kaguto Shin Sabaki :
    Taskmaster Palette Set by ZombieBrock Shogun Of MFFA :
  17. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Kazagami in The Portraits/whatever Thread   

    Anime folder

    SEGA folder

    Anime folder
    here's Ino render


    SNK Misc folder

    Nintendo folder. Meta Ridley been renamed.
    And just giving heads up guys, requests closed for now. I've been getting distracted as of recently, sorry for the inconvenience.
    Will still post portraits i made though (If i get mood)
  18. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Forehead in I can't call it epic but...   
    Here's how the character is and plays bruddas...
  19. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Kazagami in The Portraits/whatever Thread   
    Could you name the first girl? I'm not familiar with her.

    SEGA/Capcom Misc folder (vergilumvc3.pcx, nerodmc4.pcx)

    Arc Sytem Works folder (yet another birth of new folder)
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here's some extra i made for my roster.
    Kid Goku/Yamcha/King Piccolo (Winmugen11's request reminded me to expand the DBZ section of my roster)

    Anime folder
    Lu Saifa (Nightwizard)

    Anime folder
    Pidgeotto-chan (Moe version of Pidgeotto)

    Original folder
    And the last but not at least
    Go go Power Rangers!

    Others folder
  20. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Kazagami in The Portraits/whatever Thread   
    Hercule's image looks sick :P

    Anime/SEGA folder (birth of new folder yay)

    Anime folder

    SNK Misc folder
  21. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Lord Batros in PALS BY ZOMBIEBROCK   
    Finally got out of my Slump & made a new PAl set for a character that had none
    Lucifeller By bad darkness
    VioletPurple,Predator Heat Vision,Red,Lord Raptor,Metal,Burple,Ghost,HotStuff LoL,Golden,Dark,Frozen

  22. Upvote
    Winmugen11 got a reaction from Reigizuo_78 in [Beta]BSB Ganondorf by BaganSmashBros (1/17/2014)   
    This is for you two and anyone else who can't download the characters from their original DL links : http://www.mediafire.com/download/lz91t7b6id2bru9/BaganSmashBros_Pack.zip
    Please note that this pack contains ALL of the characters BaganSmashBros has released as of now, so it's not limited to only Ganondorf and Ridley.
    It was a bit of a chore because I did not download any of his characters before and I HAD to wait 15 minutes between each download, amounting to a total of one hour of waiting time but if it has to be like that so I can help you guys out, then I won't complain much. 
  23. Upvote
    Winmugen11 got a reaction from Reigizuo_78 in The Black Lodge stage by Davismaximus   
    Heh, this stage reminds me a bit of that part in Soul Eater in which Soul is talking to his inner demon in a scenery which looks just like the stage. Only thing missing is a piano. 
  24. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to Lord Batros in Kaguto's Palettes   
    than ol' man Brock
  25. Upvote
    Winmugen11 reacted to RicePigeon in Quality Moments in the Chatroom   
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