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Solid Snivy

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Status Updates posted by Solid Snivy

  1. I should really learn image editing stuff sometime so I can improve. Mainly cause I've been thinking about wanting to make the appearances of some collections I manage more consistent/appealing to look at.

  2. Might end up remaking the DBFC collection at some point during the week just cause it hasn't been updated in some time, and 柊 明 seems to just be inactive now. Dunno if I'll keep the appearance the same or do something different though, since I know some Crossing Void characters and the like were made as well.

  3. Apparently STG is updating Nehan a ton so that’s pretty neat


  4. Please give us more Granblue characters in MUGEN that aren't just cheap as hell palette swaps I'm starving



    1. Kazagami



      In other news, Humi is making a Narmaya using her GBVS sprites. It's not exactly an exciting news knowing Humi's track record, but it's uh.....something.

    2. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      I guess I’ll keep an eye on Grimnir!Ken then and see what happens up until he’s released. 

  5. Me: I think it’s about time I start doing a few mugen videos for Halloween. 


    *sees a bad Incineroar character that’s basically just a Sagat spriteswap with Incineroar’s head plastered on it*

    Me: ...on second thought, the Halloween videos can wait a bit longer...

  6. Anyone else ever wonder where all these Jump Ultimate Stars sprited characters come from? I feel like they just suddenly pop out of nowhere one day. 

    1. DXfactory


      They're taken from Deviantart.

  7. This site can never catch a break, huh?

    1. wicloud


      nope, it was just the out of service again, it's contagious this time of year.

    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Seriously.  This time it's a long series of ddos attacks from Dizzy.   Because I won't de-mod Rice.

  8. Is the site finally back? For real this time?

  9. Welp. Camtasia 9 is being really difficult for no reason. Can anyone recommend any good recording software?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      I'm probably gonna go with what @Mister Fael suggested. Though I now have to edit a bit and deal with watermarks for now cause for some reason the recorder records the videos both flipped and mirrored for some reason.

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      That's usually a thing when you record widescreen mugen.

    4. PlasmoidThunder


      It's what happens when you record 1.1 directly instead of recording the app window. With OBS, you can flip the recording area before recording, so the output displays correctly.

  10. Anyone ever sometimes think about those MUGEN WIPs long ago that look like they held promise but they were sadly never finished/released or got cancelled for any number of reasons?


  11. Apparently Weiss and Ruby's sprites from BBTAG already got ripped...that was pretty quick. 



    1. Mister Fael
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ




      Ok jk

    3. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      @Mister Fael this is what happens when I make a status post on mobile MFFA and not assume someone beat me to the punch

  12. I'm kinda hoping that sooner or later that English voice packs of the Under Night characters and some BBCF characters end up being made into MUGEN. Sounds like they'd work pretty well. 

  13. Despite its simplicity and the gross DLC practice, I'm probably gonna get Cross Tag Battle. I had a lot of fun with the online trial, as short the duration of it was.

  14. Quote, Curly Brace and Gunvolt are all in Blade Strangers? I might actually get this game.



    1. Gaulbetti


      That game is still around?


      Wasn't it literally the first UT in terms of indie?

  15. Thank god the site is back.


    Now I have to remember what I was gonna post before the site went down

  16. Well, looks like the celestial is back once again. 



  17. I have fallen down the Puyo Puyo rabbit hole and I don't think I'm going to get out anytime soon.

  18. Imagine being so overprotective of sprites that weren't originally yours that you end up intentionally making ransomware should anyone try to modify your game.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      All this and it's not even a fangame in the style of Sonic Battle L.E.N. That one is an... Sonic Adventure.


      It's just another Sonic Advance. Damn, man. You know what the most infamous part of Sonic is...

    3. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      @Ricepigeon It's a shame, really. Sonic Gather Battle is such a great game that started out as a LF2 mod, but now look how bad it's gotten.

    4. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      imagine if i was the  one who stole all his sprites

      oh wait i was kek

  19. These Cuphead bosses...are really easy if you just spam multi hitting attacks on them.



    1. Gaulbetti


      It's Mugen, not... Cuphead.


      Seriously, they'll have to suck it up and make custom versions of ANYTHING from the game if they want it to turn out anything other than... That.

  20. No matter how many times Daylight Savings Time ends or begins, it always take a bit of time to get used to.

  21. Oh hey, it's back up!

  22. It feels like some collections really need some revamps since they never really get updated at all.

  23. So I decided to get Camtasia Studio 9. Is this better than CS 8 in a lot of ways? Probably. I dunno.

  24. A crossover fighting game where you can play as characters from BlazBlue, Under Night in Birth, Persona 4 Arena AND RWBY?





    1. StrongestPotato


      and it would've been even better if as soon as the trailer ends the second time....


      think about it, it could be like the franchise's very own Phoenix Wright

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