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About Cook4251

  • Birthday 12/14/1988

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  1. Is it like a ritual to point out the flaws and roast the new Era P.O.T.S style characters? To me that's like a running gag(In a good way). Feels like a roast session when someone releases a character and they bout to flame you like "Boy if you get your old misaligned hitsparks having ass on somewhere."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkflare


      Yes. It's a rite of passage even.

    3. Cook4251


      @Nep Heart I think some of the blind followers praise the work, rather than test it nowadays, ya know? 

    4. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart



       Yeah, a good chunk of them are still shoddy attempts at 15 minutes of frame, but even that seems to be less than present since these last several months. People are probably finally figuring it out, at least some anyway.

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