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About Cook4251

  • Birthday 12/14/1988

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  1. My reaction to the toxic butthurt fanbase of another FE character being revealed and it WASN'T Sora, Shantae, or Crash.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Super Smash Bros should've been renamed to "Fire Emblem: The Fighting Game"

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Sakurai has an FE bias for sure, but I don't mind it. IMO Byleth is a wonderful addition to Smash, but their reveal and Banjo's should have been switched then the Fighters Pass could've really went out with a bang!

    4. Cook4251


      They're complaining about the wrong shit. The ones who do the complaining want Waluigi in for meme status, not necessarily to complete the big four.


       if he had some extra qualities instead of being 2nd wheel to Wario just for the sake of inclusion, then I could see them getting in. At least Daisy had actual shit to go with her, and not just another princess clone. She is actually capable of bringing something to the table.

      Waluigi even has a wack backstory to boot. I just don't see the utility in him, other than being as useful as a background character.



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