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About Cook4251

  • Birthday 12/14/1988

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  1. Sony has been winning this year.  They gotten the exclusive rights to the FF7 remake. Gotten Capcom out of near bankruptcy to make SF5 while making them change their business practices. Aided in Shenmue 3's kickstarter. Teamed up with Platinum Games to work on a sequel to Nier. And formed a partnership with Kojima!!! Sony is fucking Santa Claus.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solarflared


      And yet, they couldn't add Cloud into PSASBR.
      Then again, that game's been long dead for quite a while...

    3. Galvatron


      Of course! Hell you can get that game for $10. :-P

    4. Cook4251


      Cloud was like, "They didn't want to add your boy in PSASBR? Don't worry, i got Sakurai on speed dial tho."

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