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About Cook4251

  • Birthday 12/14/1988

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  1. Personally, i'm not at all upset about the Kombat Pack 2 trailer. But i've yet to see the extent of LeatherFace's game play.

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    2. Cook4251


      @DartzPie Me too, who knows they might use one of his ACTUAL fatalities from the move like they did with Jason and Predator. ^.^ 


      @BrawlTheMan Same here. Who knew that bastard was hiding in Baraka the whole time!?

    3. ShiroTori


      I like the way you think Cook. It annoys me when people always have these knee-jerk reactions before they actually see how the character plays. The same thing happened when Rocket Racoon was confirmed in UMvC3, and it wasn't until people actually saw his gameplay that they realized he wasn't too bad.

      I'll admit I don't really care for Leatherface (never got into TCM), but I think a character wielding a chainsaw is a fitting idea for Mortal Kombat.

    4. Cook4251


      @JDM Great minds think alike. But the people who love to bitch and moan about the characters they DID NOT want will always be the main ones changing his/her minds joining the bandwagon like they actually gave a fuck when said character is actually released. Now let's just sit back and wait for 2016 to come and how others will bandwagon like sports fans do.

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