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About Cook4251

  • Birthday 12/14/1988

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  1. We lost so many celebrities, actors, wrestlers, etc. this year. Now we lost Shad Gaspard, Jerry Stiller, etc. Can 2020 be over with soon, please?

    1. FaZe Dank

      FaZe Dank

      We're not even half way done with 2020, and it feels like an eternity. If 2021 starts the same way as 2020 did, we are getting closer to the end times. We can only pray for the best.

    2. mulambo


      Don't look for the next year to come, because you will say the same next years anyway.

      Every year people rant about who died... like if their life was based upon the life of some stranger celebrity, forgetting that the same things they said in that year was also said in the previous one.

      And so they go, on and on... lol


      People die every year, deal with it. Otherwise blame existence as a whole, hope for a better future only creates anxiety.

    3. Noside


      Rumor has it that when Covid-19 is over, Alien invasion is up next.

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