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About Cook4251

  • Birthday 12/14/1988

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  1. We lost so many celebrities, actors, wrestlers, etc. this year. Now we lost Shad Gaspard, Jerry Stiller, etc. Can 2020 be over with soon, please?

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    2. FC39Macbeth


      @mulamboIf that's one way to look into the future, then I think you're seeing the bleak side of 2020 a bit too much. Perhaps it would be easier killing ourselves and shutting up about it than complain every single day. When so many people want to leave Earth as soon as possible, I won't be surprised if they actually do it.


      @FaZe DankNo, the end times only happen when, theoretically,  the entire political and financial state of Earth has changed forever.


      @NosideOther rumors suggest another World War could happen in the next two years because some terrorist detonated Trump Tower, which killed everyone in the explosion (yes even the President himself).

    3. mulambo


      Nope, that's not the way to look into the future

      It's the way to look at the present, and the present looks like the past. "OMG this 20xx is so sh*tty!" every damn year.

      Stop ranting about people dying. It happens, period.

    4. Noside


      @FC39Macbeth Interesting, I would love to see if there's an article.

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