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About Cook4251

  • Birthday 12/14/1988

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  1. Yakuza 3 has to be my least favorite out of the series. It's a good game in all, but it was mostly just slice of life with a tiny bit of drama(Until the end). 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      Don't get me wrong, the substories and other mini games are great, its just that the story didn't get good until about the end point of the game. I won't say it is HORRENDOUSLY BAD, it's just bad in terms of storyline wise for the game.

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I Hear ya i still planed on getting it anyway 

    4. Cook4251


      Same here, but the only substory that i liked was "Hometown Girl". 

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